I've just been reading through this thread, and several questions were suddenly brought to mind (and either mentioned here and not answered, or maybe they weren't really questions...) Soo....
As someone mentioned before: The links to PinPics on this forum don't work. It's my understanding that the DPF moderators were _TOLD_ by PinPics that they (PP) didn't want links on this forum back to PinPics. So, yes, this is a question for _YOU_ to try to answer, not the DPF moderators. Are you saying, _OFFICIALLY_, that the DPF moderators can fix the links here with PP's blessing? This question seems to be getting avoided...
I've never really used the new site much since it's kind of annoying to navigate (probably largely because I'm not totally used to it, but also because it's simply not intuitive. If you have to create 'training videos', there's something wrong with the overall design...), but one thing I've noticed is that all of the images of the pins are blurry. I've uploaded 250x250 or 300x300 sized images to the old site (and Emailed even larger images), and when the pin gets carried over to the new site these images are scaled way down (like 200x200) and then zoomed back up to a larger size. As such, they look horrible, especially compared to the old site.
My question- Is this because I'm not _paying_ to use PP? I didn't even know there was a pay option for the site, but if that's the reason I can't see decent quality images of pins (especially images _I'm_ providing), then I'm definitely done with adding pins to your site or Emailing pictures...
I'm sorry, but I'm simply not providing you free images to use for profit.... If they can't be seen and used by everyone on the site, then there's just no need for me to supply them anymore.
_Everyone_ should be able to see the highest quality images provided, and all the information about a pin that's available. If you want to make people pay for extra _site features_, that's fine, but the pin database needs to be 100% available to 100% of the users. Otherwise the site would just be useless since non-paying people won't know what they are missing, and will just stop using the site...
And, another vote for groups/personal groups. If I don't have those (and we loose the ones we have on the old site), that's a big move in the wrong direction... As it is right now I can't find all the pins of a certain new series since there's no group for it on the old site (since I believe no one can create a public group anymore), and searching on the new site is still not really that effective (and maybe these new pins aren't even on the new site yet)...
But my biggest problem is restricting any part of the core Pin database (including larger images) to paying costumers only... You have permanently lost me on that one.