disneyland paris november flyer

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disneyland paris november flyer
Oooh, I like the symbol they chose for the front of the Merida locket. If they'd wanted to go with the flower theme I guess it would've had to have been a thistle. :)

And my best friend will undoubtedly want winter Tink! If there's anyone who can help out with this Paris release, I'm willing to buy or trade!
The last release of this month is on a blockout day (hrmpf) but I am going to try to go to the pin trading event the 29th. However twice in one week may be trying on my patience with the train, haha.
If anyone can get a Merida locket for trade, then please take a look at my traders as I need the pin for my Brave collection.
I would pay cost price for belle good luck bad luck (I collect belle AND this series!) and for tink as she's my main collection and i can't get to Pueblo's EVER on the weekend :(
Or I'm open to trades too !!!

If it helps, all the bad luck/good luck pins were almost all still available in most shops, but you just need to look for the glass frame's in which they keep the LE's, and ask at the cash register. 2 weeks ago, they still had all previous pins from this set, in almost every store (also hotel shops).
If it helps, all the bad luck/good luck pins were almost all still available in most shops, but you just need to look for the glass frame's in which they keep the LE's, and ask at the cash register. 2 weeks ago, they still had all previous pins from this set, in almost every store (also hotel shops).

I got this pin - woohoo :)
Thanks though
how dose the B&TB pin look in hand? I wish I could get that one but don't really need it. Just looks cool and is a good movie. Congrats to everyone that got what they wanted.
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