So you say you would never buy scrappers
#2 Do Melonballer Brand cookies have real melon in them?
Shame on me for not going back and reading all of the post. I only look at new post and do my comments from there so I dont recall what someone may have said previously. They may have said something nice, but then later something mean so I go by whats most current.
Also, I did in fact happen to send you a scrapper. I never claimed to be all knowing and while I had one in Lizzies book and an extra, we traded. As soon as you told me, I was both embarrased and wanting to correct it immediatly.
I think there is a difference between buying a lot and trading the knowingly and sending pins and one was a scrapper. I believe it was a dalmatian pin and series was spelled incorrectly. I immediatly said I would correct the problem.
But I really dont need to defend that. You were calling me out and if my writing sounded harsh, well, maybe there were. On eBay, you can see all who purchase (except private auctions) and 90% of the people have where they are located.
It is not tough to see that the majority (MAJORITY) of the buyers are close to the park.
Once again, I stress I never said ALL, I said most and that is based on actual ebay sales.
Some people can find fly S#*T in pepper and I think you get off track of the purpose of a thread and look for something to pick apart. Maybe I should have a writer check all my post before posting God forbid you take something incorrectly.
Yes, I have traded with you before and believe it was a large multi pin trade, and yes, you were very fair in return. I may talk smack but would still trade with you. This happened with someone else and we are good to go.
But why dont you also mention that my first reaction was that I wanted to make good on the (scrapper) I had sent and it was in no way intentional. As a matter of fact, There is another trader who needed the same pin and was the one who brought it to my attention that you can tell by the mispelling. I traded for the pin as it is not on any of the scrapper list either.
Go ahead and slam me but look at all of the trades I have done and I can assure you I have never knowingly sent a scrapper and if someone felt I did, I would make good on it immediatly. I can almost guarantee that everyone has some in their trades but just dont know it.
As geoff mentioned, if you do it knowingly, its one thing. So slam away. The whole point here is that which is mentioned in the title: so you say you you would never buy scrappers.
The sad part is I traded a good real pin for the one I sent you.
So I guess, thanks for sticking up for me and thanks for calling me out and questioning my ways of finding this information.
BTW Fly crap looks just like pepper. But I'll bet you find some............
And as Charlie Sheen once said....."WINNING!" ok, now let the sheen slams start.
don't even investigate people! Just call people out! Random names! Also, when this list is made, title the list "FARTS"
..i have the solution to this problem..
..or should that be the finale..oh and grim..your videos get honorable
:anxious:..i have the solution to this problem..dan needs to build a confessional..and all the suspected fake pin purchasers from dpf should be forced to confess to dan in this confessional..and dan needs to covertly video record all of these confessions..and post them on youtube..:anxious:
But the real question is: How did the fly get into the pepper?![]()
And why in the world would anyone buy church pews????![]()
MWAAAAAAAAA!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!! ROFLMFAO!!!!! +Elebinty BILLION!!! Tronaholic, I'll meet you at Lowe's, and we'll pick up the supplies, and then we gotta take them to Dan's house and BUILD IT!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy crap I can't stop laughing, every time I picture this in my head!!! And we make Dan a Pin Priest Hat covered in WDI hats, and he blesses them with Pirates of the Caribbean water!!! Aaaaaaaah!!! I would pay to see this!!!
Sorry Dan, this was just too freaking funny, I couldn't help it![]()