So you say you would never buy scrappers
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:lol: Grim is so the crazy Uncle... with a friendly beard(I wish there were a smiley with a friendly beard darn it!!)
Wait, WHAT!? Why am I the crazy uncle?
:lol: Grim is so the crazy Uncle... with a friendly beard(I wish there were a smiley with a friendly beard darn it!!)
Wait, WHAT!? Why am I the crazy uncle?
.Wow. I was the one defending your post in the first place because it was not coming off very well to others and now you attack me for disagreeing with one part of what you wrote? I'm sorry, but your behavior is ridiculous. To me, you are coming off as very angry and rude.
Please explain to me how you have any basis for saying that "MOST OF THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE NEVER BOUGHT SCRAPPER ARE NOT CLOSE TO THE PARK"??? It makes absolutely no sense. You have no way of knowing that! Just because you see a lot of people located near the parks buy scrapper lots on ebay doesn't mean that most of the people that have never bought them don't live near the park. You are drawing a conclusion with absolutely nothing to back it up. If you had said, "notice that most of the people buying scrapper lots are near the park" then that would have made sense. I'm now assuming that is what you were getting at even though that is not what you said at all.
Yes, I can read what people write, and it was written poorly. Your posts are costantly full of loose ends and unsupported claims and now you get angry because someone doesn't agree with what you wrote? I've always tried giving you the benefit of the doubt and have taken the off-center things you have said with a grain of salt, but I'm done.
I wasn't going to say anything about this, but if I'm going to be accused of picking apart your post I might as well do so. In your first post you said:
That was an outright lie and you know it. You, the self-proclaimed scrapper expert, traded ME a scrapper (actually two but I I only told you about the one because I didn't notice the second one until later and just let it go). So if you want to climb up on your high horse and call people out then perhaps you should start with yourself.
this site might be the best bookmark I have on my browser![]()
BTW Fly crap looks just like pepper.
But the real question is: How did the fly get into the pepper?![]()
Couldn't agree more. calling people out is not ethical either, is not your business to do so, plus u can accuse of somebody doing so, but u can't prove it till your actually see the person with a bag of scrappers at the park trading them. i just think immature people(which is weird, because most people here are full grown ups) who are acting like little kids causing drama, have taken this subject in a complete different direction than it should had taken. this was to discuss the fact that some people are doing this, and is unethical, but not a crime, however calling these people out makes u better than them? IDK, but i don't think so. i really lost respect for some people here with this subject, because some people really showed me how much unnecessary drama they can cause and how immature can they be.
Shame on me for not going back and reading all of the post. I only look at new post and do my comments from there so I dont recall what someone may have said previously. They may have said something nice, but then later something mean so I go by whats most current.
Also, I did in fact happen to send you a scrapper. I never claimed to be all knowing and while I had one in Lizzies book and an extra, we traded. As soon as you told me, I was both embarrased and wanting to correct it immediatly.
I think there is a difference between buying a lot and trading the knowingly and sending pins and one was a scrapper. I believe it was a dalmatian pin and series was spelled incorrectly. I immediatly said I would correct the problem.
But I really dont need to defend that. You were calling me out and if my writing sounded harsh, well, maybe there were. On eBay, you can see all who purchase (except private auctions) and 90% of the people have where they are located.
It is not tough to see that the majority (MAJORITY) of the buyers are close to the park.
Once again, I stress I never said ALL, I said most and that is based on actual ebay sales.
Some people can find fly S#*T in pepper and I think you get off track of the purpose of a thread and look for something to pick apart. Maybe I should have a writer check all my post before posting God forbid you take something incorrectly.
Yes, I have traded with you before and believe it was a large multi pin trade, and yes, you were very fair in return. I may talk smack but would still trade with you. This happened with someone else and we are good to go.
But why dont you also mention that my first reaction was that I wanted to make good on the (scrapper) I had sent and it was in no way intentional. As a matter of fact, There is another trader who needed the same pin and was the one who brought it to my attention that you can tell by the mispelling. I traded for the pin as it is not on any of the scrapper list either.
Go ahead and slam me but look at all of the trades I have done and I can assure you I have never knowingly sent a scrapper and if someone felt I did, I would make good on it immediatly. I can almost guarantee that everyone has some in their trades but just dont know it.
As geoff mentioned, if you do it knowingly, its one thing. So slam away. The whole point here is that which is mentioned in the title: so you say you you would never buy scrappers.
The sad part is I traded a good real pin for the one I sent you.
So I guess, thanks for sticking up for me and thanks for calling me out and questioning my ways of finding this information.
BTW Fly crap looks just like pepper. But I'll bet you find some............
And as Charlie Sheen once said....."WINNING!" ok, now let the sheen slams start.
And why in the world would anyone buy church pews????![]()
I feel like I'm on a DPF version of PUNKED!? Ashton??? Ashton.....where are you?
The only reason I called you out was because that last post really pushed me over the edge. I don't see how anything I said before that was mean, I just didn't agree with what you wrote, which now we know was not phrased with the meaning you intended. But, I still don't think you are getting the point of what I was saying in the first place. The issue has nothing to do with whether you used the word "all" or "most", nothing to do with it at all. The way you phrased it was the negative of what you actually meant. You were specificlaly referring to the people that had NEVER purchased scrappers. I did read it and the way it was put didn't make sense so I questioned it. What torked me off is that you came out insinuating that I have no reading comprehension skills when what you wrote clearly wasn't what you think you wrote and that felt very much like the pot calling the kettle black.
And that is what led me to disclose that you had traded me a scrapper in the past. I didn't purposely withhold the information about you making it right, you did. I just didn't include it because it was irrelevant. I don't like the scrapper situation either, but you can't come on her blasting people and threatening to call them out and then make the statement that you had never traded a scrapper because it is untrue. You have traded scrappers after the point in time that you made several informational posts on scrappers. I don't think you traded them to me on purpose and I never said you did. But you can't go touting that you have never traded one because that is not true. If is ok for you to do it then why can't these people that you are accusing say, "well, I never bought scrappers because I didn't know they were scrappers even though I should know better by now". That is a double standard. The best you can do is say that you never knowingly traded one which is something they likely can't say truthfully.
I'm sorry I called you out. I just felt that you were getting a bit out of hand with the ebay links, then bashing my intelligence, and threatening to disclose whoever these people are.
You joked about having a writer look over your stuff, but seriously, perhaps you should have someone else read threads like these through before you post them. I think your intentions are for the most part good and that you do put some thought and research behind them, but the delivery is sometimes off the mark. This is the internet, you have to be more careful about what you write and how it will be perceived. Just because the way you phrase something makes sense to you when you when you write it doesn't mean it is going to make sense to someone else when they read it. And especially when starting controversial topics such as this, it is even more important that you clearly articulate what it is you are trying to say. If you post something full of holes people are left to fill in the blanks themselves and if they don't fill in the blanks with what you were thinking you can't get mad at that. You need to do your very best up front and then respectfully clarify, elaborate, or correct later if needed.
Will you accept pins in lew of cash for some of those cookies? YUMMY!Cause Tom Hanks sat in it.
Will you accept pins in lew of cash for some of those cookies? YUMMY!
Couldn't agree more. calling people out is not ethical either, is not your business to do so
Honestly, this thread was asking for it to begin with- Dan's whole point seems to be to point out the fact hat we have hypocrites, and shame them. Problem is, these people have no shame if they're doing this to begin with. Therefore, the whole thread is kind of pointless unless you're willing to name names!
In the end, there are only 2 types of people who buy scrapper lots- newbies who don't know better yet, and those that DO know better, but have no moral compass and a lot of greed. This, we already knew. So unless you're willing to call people out and start an even BIGGER flame war, there's NOTHING that this thread brings to the table.
Ah ~ I always love abyssinian28's responses to post like these ~ a calm ~ wise ~ voice of reason!
Well, if this thread causes even one of those DPFers who are doing this to stop doing it, the thread was well worth it! Dan, great post.
LOL! Dawn, I seriously can't tell if that was a serious compliment, or a very tongue-in-cheek reply...hehe.
Let's just say it was calmer than some of my replies, but perhaps not as calm as the threads I'm just chilling in.
I'm going to just start replying in Kurt Hummel gifs if this thing gets much crazier, though. Boy can pull funny expressions like no one else...