When Pigs Fly Sale - aka Sleeping Beauty Pins

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When Pigs Fly Sale - aka Sleeping Beauty Pins


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As a Sleeping Beauty Collector, I am very protective and tight-fisted with my dear SB pins. In the past 4.5 years I got some, and then more, and more. In time I accumulated back-ups, and then back-ups to my back-ups. You get the picture :facepalm:

It is very hard for me, but it is time to let some of my extras go. When I organized my Sleeping Beauty book, I got to see that there are many others who care for this lady of (original) golden hair. This is all I have available for sale right now, so please do not ask me to sell other pins from my traders.

Most of these pins were stored in my never ending boxes in bubble wrap. Few of them (I think about 3) have small defects here and there. I will certainly point those out and I will be happy to send you pictures if you can handle my non-existent photo abilities.

Prices include Paypal as goods. Shipping is $2.50 per pin & 50 c after that for additional pins. Due to Paypal cross-border fees and additional international mail headaches, I prefer to ship within US only at this time.

I will hold pins up to 3 days max, but if I do not hear from you, they will again be available to the other collectors. Before sending me a PM, please see post #6 for Hold/Sold Pins.


Updated on 03/19 with what is available.

$40 $26 $7 $12 $7

$39 $24 $18 $15
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These are the only 2 pins remaining from this picture:

Aurora Door

Fairy Triangle $18
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Nooooooooooo! I need them all! $85 $ 17 $58 $ 80
$38 $42

Please hold these ones for me.

I know the top Briar Rose is already on hold but if it falls through I'd like it please
Merry weather how much is the Forrest scene one, I would love to have that one please. I bought one on eBay which turned out to be a fake.

That one is sold already, sorry :( As fas as I know there are no fakes of this pin, but some pins have Aurora's hair a bit greenish.

I will take the floral one! Pin 30668: Disney Auctions (P.I.N.S.) - Aurora in Floral Frame

​please PM me paypal info!

That pin was on hold for someone else and it is now sold. Sorry about that.

Thank you everyone for their interest. Pins that were paid for will be shipping out today and your Paypal acount should show the tracking info. Once I finish packing, I will answer few PMs that are left from yesterday. Have a great weekend :)
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Hi there, I see this one is on hold but if it falls through, I would be interested in it

Pin 16070: Sleeping Beauty Watch 40th Anniversary Commemorative Pin (Briar Rose & Phillip)
Thanks :0)
Hi there, I see this one is on hold but if it falls through, I would be interested in it

Pin 16070: Sleeping Beauty Watch 40th Anniversary Commemorative Pin (Briar Rose & Phillip)
Thanks :0)

That one became available because my buyer changed her mind. I will send you a PM in a few :)

** Edit** I tried to send you a PM, but your inbox was full. Feel free to PM me if you want this pin.
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That one is sold already, sorry :( As fas as I know there are no fakes of this pin, but some pins have Aurora's hair a bit greenish. That pin was on hold for someone else and it is now sold. Sorry about that. Thank you everyone for their interest. Pins that were paid for will be shipping out today and your Paypal acount should show the tracking info. Once I finish packing, I will answer few PMs that are left from yesterday. Have a great weekend :)

Yeah I did not think there was, but I got one where Philips hair was blue, and a ton of dips. Thanks for the response.
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