PTDs ARE BACK! GSF/DSS Pin Trader Sundae thread. Blue Fairy/DoDo/Anastasia/Archimedes
I have to imagine at some point, they are going to run out of PTD's altogether.
I have to imagine at some point, they are going to run out of PTD's altogether.
Apparently, this has happened the last three years; the traffic and tourist groups get larger and larger and start flipping the ptd like crazy (as we're seeing now), so the store runs out of available PTDs and have to wait for production and re-shipment to get a new batch. That silent period has lasted anywhere from 2 to 3 months (the entire summer)! Let's see what happens this year.
The ONLY way this madness is going to STOP the re-sellers from literally living at, or near the store, along with all their new friends that they either paid, or sucked into standing in line for them is for ALL of us to stand united & NOT BUY these pins at the ridiculous prices, if there is no market for a huge profit, only then will they quit hogging them, and this hobby can go back to the way it used to be, in the hands of collectors & a few tourists.
But of course, that can't happen as long as we are stupid enough to line their pockets.
Honestly, I would love a higher edition size. I don't care if 999 other people own the same pin as me. I collect pins because I love them not because of the edition size.
I'll continue to stand by an idea I proposed to stop this madness long ago.
Go back to requiring - ordering and EATING the Sundae. The pin comes at the end with the check, not as something you can just "buy". If nothing else, it will slow down the constant line churn and allow others to have an opportunity to purchase the pin.
Another tactic would be to have it become a random pin - still the same LE. That way instead of getting a run on one particular "hot" pin, you will still get a store themed LE pin and blind chance (and later trading) can let you obtain a "hot / popular / can't live without" pin.
Hopefully the talk of bringing PTS to Florida will go through and then the LE number will increase on the pins since it's plain foolish to split 300 pins between 2 locations
I second this.Honestly, I would love a higher edition size. I don't care if 999 other people own the same pin as me. I collect pins because I love them not because of the edition size.