At cost pick ups from WDW!

At cost pick ups from WDW!


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I will be at WDW from Jan 21-26th and will be happy to pick up anything you may be looking for at cost plus actual shipping. If you are in the area and want to trade just let me know!
I will be sure to keep up with this post as the dates draw closer and will make every effort to help as many people as possible!

PM sent to linzpinz!
If there is a new GenEARations pin I would love one of those. They are LE. Last month was Dumbo. I'm no sure who this month is supposed to be but they are on a slightly wider card with the decades printed on the background. Thank you.
OK folks with the release of a flyer today people are blowing up my messages so be patient if I haven't responded, the list is long. Again my dates are 1-21 thru 1-26. Looks like a few pins will be released on 1-22 and I would be more than happy to try and get as many as I can for the community, that said they are LE/LR pins for the most part so I cant promise everyone will get what they want but I will go to multiple locations to try and buy for as many people as possible!

Please get your lists together and message me, I am getting a master list together so I can streamline my shopping plans.

These were release January 2014 and are no longer available.

OK folks with the release of a flyer today people are blowing up my messages so be patient if I haven't responded, the list is long. Again my dates are 1-21 thru 1-26. Looks like a few pins will be released on 1-22 and I would be more than happy to try and get as many as I can for the community, that said they are LE/LR pins for the most part so I cant promise everyone will get what they want but I will go to multiple locations to try and buy for as many people as possible!

Please get your lists together and message me, I am getting a master list together so I can streamline my shopping plans.

Flyer, where is it? I want to see.
Hello, I would love to get the Valentines pin and the Beauty and the Beast Shield pin. I have asked my parents to pick them up but they don't love running to Disney to get me pins, however they might be willing to meet you somewhere to pick them up so you wouldn't have to ship them :) I hope we can work something out (please pm me)
As you might imagine I have been bombarded with requests for the upcoming releases of the LE pins at WDW. Because of the limits on LE pins there is just no way that I can buy enough for everyone interested, I wish I could find more bodies willing to help but it seems that anyone else planning to attend are buying them to trade up or big for the rest.

I am keeping a list and will do my best for as many people as possible. If you need something not LE or LR it shouldn't be a problem if they have them ANYWHERE as I will go to any location needed to help out!

If anyone has tips or suggestions on specific places to look for LE/LR pins just key me know and if anyone else in the area wants to try and team up to help the community please message me!
If you're looking for pins for yourself as traders, the Jerry Leigh Frozen pins are supposedly being sold in the Target/Walmart stores near to WDW :)