It took me an hour and a half, but I'm done. I knew my only problem was his hair, but boy did it look bad when I finally had all his hair from out his collar. Some places I took off half an inch!
Here's a guide on how to do this yourself:
Tools needed:
Fine tooth comb (I used a electronic clipper head for this)
Stiff paint brush (straight, watercolor)
Small parting tool (Dental tool, a hook, needle, ect.)
1:1 water and washable glue that dries clear mixture.
Lots of pictures of Kristoff's hair
Hair cutting scissors
1. Strip that bad boy! Just to let you know he's padded in the t-shirt, so be super careful around that area. To take off his vest, his arms must be backward. To take off his shirt, his arms must be forward.
2. Wash all of that product out of his hair with soap and water. Disney does a really horrible job with the men for styling their hair. Get really familiar with the layout of the roots at this time.
3. Let his hair dry for about 20 minutes by brushing it out with a fine-tooth comb. It doesn't really matter how bad his hair looks right now, because it's about to change.
4. Start off with his bangs:
a. Bring a couple strands forward from the middle part to combine with the bangs. Pay close attention to how his part looks in the film. Secure them with the glue mixture dipped in the brush.
b. Use the parting tool to give his bangs that windswept look he's known for as the bangs are drying. Make sure there are areas that stand apart from the rest and come together around where his eyebrows are.
c. Use the scissors and cut the bangs in a slightly disheveled way between eyes and eyebrows. Make sure to leave that nose-bridge dip.
--Here's where I would stop if you don't feel comfortable with layering hair--
5. Layering the hair:
a. Apply a good amount of the glue mixture to the bottom 1/2 inch of his hair in the back and on the sides.
b. Proceed to cut off 1/8 an inch off his hair or more depending on your tastes.
c. Have the scissors to the back of his hair at around a 20 degree angle to his neck and start layering his hair. Start with the top of his hair since that's the longest strands. Take extra care to not expose the back of his head; his roots look terrible.
d. Use the parting tool as it's drying to separate strands again, giving it the windswept look.
6. His ears and nape area:
a. Make sure that his hair is styled in this way that it covers only the top bit of his ear lobe.
b. Give his hair around the nape of his neck a flared out look from the front using layering techniques.
c. His hair around his nape should be, at its longest, about 1/3 of an inch away from the bottom of his ear lobe. His hair will get stuck back in his collar if not.
7. Make sure to part several sections so that the top layer on the sides of his hair are are swept backward.
I'm gonna try darkening bits of his hair with watercolor later.