As someone that can get completely shafted if people don't do this....sorry, I just can't agree to that. If we were talking an LE 100 - absolutely, I 100% agree. An LE 2000....not so much.
As long as the Cast Members are doing their job and not letting people buy more than 2 in any given transaction and making them circle back around to get in line, there should be ample opportunity for people that are there to get pins. If they aren't doing their jobs....well, that's a matter to take up with Disney.
I kind of chuckle because if a CM give a family some fast passes or ushers them to the front of a line, that's a magical experience. But if a CM lets someone break the rules a little bit and buy a few more pins it is outrageous!!! (Don't freak out because I said a few and the conversation has been about 35 - I say a few more pins because I doubt any CM is letting this person buy 35 pins all in one shot. This person is probably moving from store to store and making numerous transactions.) Anyways, I know the scenarios are completely different....but I just find it ironic....