SOLD! DSSH Pinsgiving Event Pins, Close to Cost Co-Op
I am going to event. I am adding my hat to the ring for Pinsgiving pin pick-ups. As stated by others:
Ralph Breaks the Internet Co-op
*****CANCELLED Co-Op******
Full set: sold
B.F.F Photo Booth Series #1
G - Cogsworth & Lumiere $30
Spot 1: Disneychildwithin
Spot 2: John Dinger
H - Jungle Book $30
Spot 1
Spot 2
J - Up $30
Spot 1: PinFan
Spot 2: caw caw raw
K - Aladdin $30
Spot 1: Disneychildwithin
Spot 2: Lisa Lopez
B.F.F Photo Booth Series #2
L - WiR $30
Spot 1: PinFan
M - Dumbo $30
Spot 1: PinFan
N - Pinocchio $30
Spot 1
O - BH6 $30
Spot 1: PinFan
B.F.F Photo Booth Series #3
P - Stitch $30
Spot 1: Me
Spot 2: Disneychildwithin
Back-up: PinFan
Q - Lion King $30
Spot 1: Disneychildwithin
Spot 2: Pengy
R - Moana $30
Spot 1: Me
Spot 2: Disneychildwithin
S - Zootopia $30
Spot 1: Disneychildwithin
Spot 2: John Dinger
- Pins available as noted below.
- By posting in this thread you are only adding yourself to a list to be contacted in the event the pin becomes available. You are not committed to purchase until pin availability is confirmed and you say you want it (ie, payment sent is the commitment.) After any DPF members says they want the pin, I will request payment with a deadline (based on any deadlines posted DSSH.) Since the event is a bit over a month away, I imagine these will be short timelines, so please check back regularly on 11-Oct and communicate intentions and/or pay as quick as possible. Adding yourself to the list below means you are on my radar to contact in the event the pin becomes available. If you do not add your name, I will not know to contact you. So if you think you might want the pin, add yourself to the list.
- In the event an entire pin set is not filled (since these are sold in sets), you will be contacted and provided options (ie, price for remaining pins in set, cost sharing option or... final option will be notification of pin order cancellation due to lack of interest in set.)
- Pin cost (noted next to pin below)
- +tax (9.5%)
- +shipping ($4.50 for one pin, add $0.50 for each additional, add $10 to total for international)
- +paypal fees (2.9% +$0.30).
Ralph Breaks the Internet Co-op
*****CANCELLED Co-Op******
Full set: sold
B.F.F Photo Booth Series #1
G - Cogsworth & Lumiere $30
Spot 1: Disneychildwithin
Spot 2: John Dinger
H - Jungle Book $30
Spot 1
Spot 2
J - Up $30
Spot 1: PinFan
Spot 2: caw caw raw
K - Aladdin $30
Spot 1: Disneychildwithin
Spot 2: Lisa Lopez
B.F.F Photo Booth Series #2
L - WiR $30
Spot 1: PinFan
M - Dumbo $30
Spot 1: PinFan
N - Pinocchio $30
Spot 1
O - BH6 $30
Spot 1: PinFan
B.F.F Photo Booth Series #3
P - Stitch $30
Spot 1: Me
Spot 2: Disneychildwithin
Back-up: PinFan
Q - Lion King $30
Spot 1: Disneychildwithin
Spot 2: Pengy
R - Moana $30
Spot 1: Me
Spot 2: Disneychildwithin
S - Zootopia $30
Spot 1: Disneychildwithin
Spot 2: John Dinger
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