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SOLD! DSSH Pinsgiving Event Pins, Close to Cost Co-Op

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SOLD! DSSH Pinsgiving Event Pins, Close to Cost Co-Op
I'd love to be added to: emoticon block, bunny and kitten, marquee, Ralph and Vanelope 2 pin set, and all photo booth strips except Pinocchio and jungle book :) lmk if anyone drops out!
Absolutely will add them and see what works out.

Did you get a ticket?
Good news! I was able to register both my daughter and myself. Will start requesting commitments for pins and sending invoices today.

Since additional pins could become available, please add yourself to my lists if you would like to be contacted for any particular pin which may become available.
I haven't seen an invoice yet. Have you started sending them out yet?

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I haven't seen an invoice yet. Have you started sending them out yet?

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
Sorry... Have not had time yet. Thought I would have time yesterday, but didn't work out. Hopefully today, but definitely this weekend.
Pricing for incomplete co-ops (ie, entire set of pins not claimed in co-op):
4 pin sets:
- 3 pins claimed... pins will be $35 each
- 2 pins claimed... pins will be $50 each
- 1 pin claimed… pin will be $100 or will provide option to person to buy entire set for $120, otherwise set will not be purchased.

For the WiR set:
(Placeholder... more complicated...)
Unfortunately the wreck it ralph co-op did not fill, so cancelling the wreck it ralph co-op.

If anyone has any interest in the entire WiR pin set. Cost for entire WiR set: $228.62
(break down, $196 (pins) + $18.62 (tax) + $7.00 (ship) + $7.00 (Paypal fee)).

The wreck it Ralph set will be available until Tuesday, Oct. 16. If not claimed i will not be purchasing this set and it will no longer be available from this thread.

Also, Feel free to pm an offer to me. I don't want the set, but if someone does and is willing to cover the costs... I am definite willing to assist.
Unfortunately the wreck it ralph co-op did not fill, so cancelling the wreck it ralph co-op.

If anyone has any interest in the entire WiR pin set. Cost for entire WiR set: $228.62
(break down, $196 (pins) + $18.62 (tax) + $7.00 (ship) + $7.00 (Paypal fee)).

The wreck it Ralph set will be available until Tuesday, Oct. 16. If not claimed i will not be purchasing this set and it will no longer be available from this thread.

Also, Feel free to pm an offer to me. I don't want the set, but if someone does and is willing to cover the costs... I am definite willing to assist.
Too bad.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
I have some spots open in the photo booth coops. If anyone is interested. These are pins which are confirmed to come with the packages, so they have guaranteed availability right now.

Photo Booths for:
- Aladdin
- Jungle Book
- Pinnochio
- Lion King
- Full set of Photo Booth #2 is available

Pricing stays at $30 each if full set claimed, otherwise:
- 3 pins claimed... pins will be $35 each
- 2 pins claimed... pins will be $50 each
- 1 pin claimed… pin will be $100 or person may buy entire set for $120

These pins are as priced as low as possible in order to aid everyone's collecting, but I am unable float the cost of buying unclaimed pins from the sets (****note: the entire 4 or 6 pin sets must be purchased from DSSH to obtain any of them.****)
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I have some spots open in the photo booth coops. If anyone is interested. These are pins which are confirmed to come with the packages, so they have guaranteed availability right now.

Photo Booths for:
- Aladdin
- Jungle Book
- Pinnochio
- Lion King
- Full set of Photo Booth #2 is available

Pricing stays at $30 each if full set claimed, otherwise:
- 3 pins claimed... pins will be $35 each
- 2 pins claimed... pins will be $50 each
- 1 pin claimed… pin will be $100 or person may buy entire set for $120

These pins are as priced as low as possible in order to aid everyone's collecting, but I am unable float the cost of buying unclaimed pins from the sets (****note: the entire 4 or 6 pin sets must be purchased from DSSH to obtain any of them.****)
PM sent. Would like Stitch alone, if it's available.

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PM sent. Would like Stitch alone, if it's available.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
Stitch is not currently available and there is already one person waiting as back-up. Wish I could buy more for everyone, but it is not possible.
Lion King still open by chance? If so I'll take one please!
I added you. Thanks for picking up the pin. I will send pm with payment details shortly.

I think Photo Booth #2 has WIR so if someone else claims the other 3, I am interested in Ralph :D
Only one set is available for pb #2. :( I updated the list of available pins.
Messages have been sent to everyone who ordered these pins from me from this thread. Included in messages are pictures of the pins to be shipped... to confirm everything is correct. I am shipping tomorrow, so please contact me soon if you see any errors. :)
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