2013 Fairytale Designer Collection

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2013 Fairytale Designer Collection
Thanks, not to sound too demanding but if it is not too much trouble do you have any others? Figured if I get an average it would help make it more accurate.
Are you trying to calculate shipping from DS to Australia or packaged from someone else? The reason I ask is because I just packaged a Designer doll to send to my niece. I used a box that was 18x18x12 and I used lots of bubble wrap and paper for stuffing and protection and the package came out to 7lbs even. Maybe this can give you a different perspective.
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Are you trying to calculate shipping from DS to Australia or packaged from someone else? The reason I ask is because I just packaged a Designer doll to send to my niece. I used a box that was 18x18x12 and I used lots of bubble wrap and paper for stuffing and protection and the package came out to 7lbs even. Maybe this can give you a different perspective.

I usually get it couriered to me and they usually just forward on the package so it generally is the same weight (or similar to) as what is registered on UPS.
I'm hoping if the other princesses come out next year, PLEASE give us Aurora in blue and Cinderella in silver!!!!!!!! Just once Disney!!!!!!!
I'm hoping if the other princesses come out next year, PLEASE give us Aurora in blue and Cinderella in silver!!!!!!!! Just once Disney!!!!!!!

The exclusive D23 princess designer set already had cinderella in silver.

To be honest I would love to see Aurora in her Briar Rose outfit, sort of like Ariel being in her day trip outfit.
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I'm hoping if the other princesses come out next year, PLEASE give us Aurora in blue and Cinderella in silver!!!!!!!! Just once Disney!!!!!!!
I would love Cinderella in a french inspired silver gown! Also I'm hoping the 17" LE Aurora will be in blue or an iridescent blue/pink dress that I described in the other thread, to go with Prince Phillip (shield and sword must be included) and Maleficent. So for the DFs I would have Philip and Briar Rose as Once Upon A Dream is the moment they fell in love which is the theme of the Fairytale Collection, but if LE Aurora is in pink then I would go for the blue too. Although I can't imagine DF frogs for Tiana and Naveen :lol: it would be nice to see if they could do something with the Down in New Orleans finale but I would love their 2nd wedding as we don't seem them often enough (rather than the Bayou).
Ok thanks very much, that helped me out!
You are very welcome! :)

I would also love Aurora in her Briar Rose outfit, if my memory does not fail me, I don't remember a doll with that outfit. Maybe the DFC can be Briar Rose and the 17" LE can be Blue since they both come out next year :)
I thought Eric and Ursula sold out in somewhere around the half hour mark? BatB sold out in under three hours, I think. If I remember correctly, I saw people posting at about 5:40am that you couldn't add the set to your bag.
I think that's right, although I think Belle and Beast popped up on and off again that night. Can anyone confirm that?

Ursula and Eric were not expected to last long because of the low LE numbers. I almost wonder if Belle and Beast would have lasted longer if Ursula and Eric were not the night before. I feel like their quick sale made everyone panic more so no one waited with Belle and Beast. Maybe they would have lasted at least a day if not for the timing.
The exclusive D23 princess designer set already had cinderella in silver.

To be honest I would love to see Aurora in her Briar Rose outfit, sort of like Ariel being in her day trip outfit.

Yes the Briar Rose outfit would great as well! BUT.... The D23 silver Cindy was only available to a select few, I meant everyone should be able to have her in silver.
As Quasimodo pointed out, Eric & Ursula tool half an hour and BatB took about 2 hours and half. I will be surprised if TLM lasts an hour. Next Tuesday will be pandemonium.
I googled Moana. It seems it is primarily pronounced Mo-ah-na and means "ocean" in Polynesian. Also, a sea god is called Moana.

Kind of interesting: Armstrong Sperry wrote a book called Call It Courage. It won a Newbery Medal. It is about a 12 year old boy, Mafatu, whose mom is killed by a hurricane--the boy becomes afraid of the ocean, which shames his father, the chieftan. The boy goes off and experiences many adventures and overcomes his fear of the water. Moana sounds like a scary entity in the book; he has murdered Mafatu's mom and tried to kill him too.

Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color did an episode in 1973 on this story.

Not sure if this is the inspiration for the upcoming animated movie or not. Sounds kind of dark. One way or the other, I want to find a copy of the book and read it now. :) Another article claims there will be talking Tiki heads a la Easter Island. Hmmm.

Note: Just read an article that claims it will be a musical and is an original concept, not adapted from any existing story. Guess Call It Courage is out. Still going to read it.
Oh that sounds very interesting. Thanks for the info.

Yes! I cannot wait for them to come out! I will definitely make sure to pre-order the whole set of those--there is no way I'm going to miss out on getting those lovely ladies and their princes!
I think if they do another set of DFDC Im giong to have pre order the whole set. I really regret not doing it this time. Ill just sell/trade the ones I dont want. But seems easier than the hassle of hoping and praying you get picked in a raffle or can get them online at 3AM every two weeks. Sigh.

The exclusive D23 princess designer set already had cinderella in silver.

To be honest I would love to see Aurora in her Briar Rose outfit, sort of like Ariel being in her day trip outfit.
I would love her the Briar Rose outfit too for the DFDC. And something really extra special for the LE doll.

How long did it take Belle to sell out? Was it faster than Ursula and Eric or a few hours?
I read about 2.5 hours to sell out.

No, I agree. I'm pretty sure that Ariel/Eric set is going to sell out within an hour or two. The last set is going to be hard to get that is for sure.
EVERYONE Ive talked to in store, and on other forums wants Ariel. She will probably sell out within an hour. Im super nervous abut her. I hope we have a link fairy here that night!
My Ursula and Eric, ordered at the same time, are evidently shipping separately. One due Wednesday, one due Thursday.

We have issues with packages being left on our porch, and have had them go missing. The USPS knows not to leave packages if no one answers. UPS allows me to call and have them hold it--fortunately, they're only about 2 miles away. And the UPS guy who delivered BatB said that their dropoff is pretty much after 4pm (business pickup/dropoff first), so that works just fine! Fedex allows the same holding and, though they're about 5-6 miles away, I have NO problem driving there to make sure I get my goodies.

I'm very much looking forward to these!

My husband isn't all that thrilled with my getting these, but...he's actually willing to take the 15th off and wait with me to help my chances. He says he might even enlist his Mom and Tia. We only want the one--the people at our store were really good about buying only one despite having others there to help their chances. One lady, whom I had never met before, said that if she got picked, she'd let me have it since her husband's name was picked. How nice!!!
Hopefully Ariel and Eric sell out at a reasonable time and not 30 minutes like the LE Ursula and Eric. I'm sure that the link fairies will help collecors out and save our souls from the sharks! :)
I'm really nervous about Ariel! My luck has been wonderful so far and I am so blessed to have gotten the others without much hassle. I'm trying to enlist an army though in order to ensure my chances. One of my friends actually wants her, but said if it comes down to it and only she is picked, she will give it to me instead which is very generous, but still I am hoping we can both get drawn since this would be her first LE doll and I have sort of "inspired" her to get it.

I really hope it goes as smoothly as it has been. In retrospect, I remember the fateful night when the pre-order for the whole set was down in ten minutes and how upset I was, but ultimately I am glad things turned out the way it did. The drive is not too bad, and I'd prefer getting them along the way instead of seeing all these wonderful pictures and being impatient. Plus, I would be beside myself if I got a damaged doll, and this set seems to particularly be pretty hit or miss. I'm worried about getting Ariel, but ultimately I am thankful it has gone over pretty well so far and have a whole new appreciation for them after going in person and getting them. There will always be that little kid in me who is ecstatic to bring a new toy home from the toy-store. :)
I'm really nervous about Ariel! My luck has been wonderful so far and I am so blessed to have gotten the others without much hassle. I'm trying to enlist an army though in order to ensure my chances. One of my friends actually wants her, but said if it comes down to it and only she is picked, she will give it to me instead which is very generous, but still I am hoping we can both get drawn since this would be her first LE doll and I have sort of "inspired" her to get it.

I really hope it goes as smoothly as it has been. In retrospect, I remember the fateful night when the pre-order for the whole set was down in ten minutes and how upset I was, but ultimately I am glad things turned out the way it did. The drive is not too bad, and I'd prefer getting them along the way instead of seeing all these wonderful pictures and being impatient. Plus, I would be beside myself if I got a damaged doll, and this set seems to particularly be pretty hit or miss. I'm worried about getting Ariel, but ultimately I am thankful it has gone over pretty well so far and have a whole new appreciation for them after going in person and getting them. There will always be that little kid in me who is ecstatic to bring a new toy home from the toy-store. :)

I know the feeling! Definitely bring yourself a good number of folks to help you out. A lot of folks may try the same thing but it it'll better your chances!
agh im so nervous! The Ariel/Eric set is THE one I wanted the most and she's going to be crazy to get. Thankfully I've got an awesome Aunt who is taking me to the closest Disney Store to try for raffle so I'll have a chance to get her there and a chance to get her online if I miss out in store!!! I hope everyone who really wants one gets her!
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