2017 PTD Discussion Thread - UPDATED 11/28/17
For me, it's strictly that there are still five more pins that were previewed last August that still haven't come out yet. I am (not so patiently) waiting for Gideon, and many others are waiting for Armored Baymax. This past year has been a real yawn with respect to Cats with Ice Cream (what I'm looking for). Not a one, except the rumored Gideon...
I notice that most characters have only been on one ptd and that usually the only multiple characters are the popular ones, for the most part. What cat characters haven't been done as ptds? I think Rufus doesn't have his own, just one he shares with Penny. Maybe there should be a second Marie or Figaro since they are pretty popular. (I have a small collection of cat pins but none of them are ptds)