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2018 PTD Discussion Thread - UPDATED 12/18/2018

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2018 PTD Discussion Thread - UPDATED 12/18/2018
Scrooge?? But this one is... Like... Exactly like the other one. :/ *grumble*

Still want it though. XD if anyone can help me out! <3

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They basically just flipped the original artwork, lol.


You're over here gettin' a nearly identical extra Scrooge for your collection, and I'm still praying to the pin gods that they'll FINALLY be more creative and give me Es in her red dress. xD

As of 9:15 or so Scrooge and Tibbs were both available. Apparently after Woody sold out the crowds dissipated.
Haha, I guess my post was vague. Yes, I got them at around that time, so that's how I knew they were still available. ;)

I had to switch my Tibbs since the first one had a scratch. It looked like there were several Tibbs left in the drawer but very few Scrooges, though I don't know if that's because he was really running low or they just didn't bring up a new bag since it was towards the end of the night. (For those that aren't familiar, the PTDs come in bags of ten, and they only bring a few bags to the registers at a time and leave the rest in the back room.)

If the crowds stay away today and they last, I'm hoping to go pick up another pair and have Tibbs for close-to-cost drawing.
I'd like a Tibbs if anyone can get by there, or could get one on Friday?
I'll enter Tessa's drawing if she can get one, but anyone can help me directly, let me know ^^
EDIT: I am covered! Thanks guys!
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