It was under the most auspicious of circumstances that I found myself once again embroiled in one of the greatest mysteries of our age along side one of the most intrepid gentlemen I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. The Monthly Circular had flown to my attention, as it certainly had to others, and on it showcased a brilliantly enticing exhibition of the most peculiar nature: a collection of disguises, from various famous literary and cinematic encounters, which advertised only half of the collection while the other half was a mystery, concealed as it were until one had already partook of the release.
I, like any other mundane member of the kingdom, had my curiosity piqued, and got it into my head to travel to the exhibition, on behalf of my other curious colleagues, to discover the identity of these concealed mysteries. But to do so alone would have been folly. And so, I extended the invitation to that illustrious sleuth, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, and hoped his pention for the unknown was enough to ensure his company.
"Holmes, my good man," I said one early Thursday morning, "mighten I impose apon you to accompany me to this Disguise Collection exhibition? The thrill of the hunt, the sweet scent of a mystery, and all that, would surely be of interest to even a keen mind such as yours. What say you, old chap?"
He turned and looked at me as if broken out of deep concentration." Yeah, sure. I can go. But why are you talking like that, CJ?"
Ho ho! By Jove, the man was already in character! Pretending to be but an average Joe, going by the name of Russ, apparently. Without much adieu, we gathered our things and began at once toward what was soon to become a most interesting case. The Case of the Disney Disguises!
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