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ZAPPED! A ZAP from a great guy just when i needed it

ZAPPED! A ZAP from a great guy just when i needed it


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New Jersey
i have to give big warm cheers and thanks to docfush2u...who not only zapped my during these rough weeks but took the time TO BID (against me btw) on this pin and win---for me because he know my love for Robin Hood.

So many of you have been kind during this trying time and sent messages and love and Zaps......it really is wonderful and does make a rough day wayyyyy better. Seriously it totally can turn a frown upside down. I will give an extra brag to docfish, who is so fun, supportive and kind that i unofficially refer to him as the brother i never had. Maybe one day we will meet and he can give me a nuggie.

my new lovely addition.
im pretty tough, but this whole thing really kicked my ***.....but i wake up ready to tackle and then usually hit a wall at 11am LOL--tomorrow im gonna try to be normal and actually do some light shopping, just fun stuff! today we went to eat and in the middle of lunch the power went back out....well we ate half in the light!