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An Ode to Sharks, or It Pays To Be Nice To Everyone You Meet

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An Ode to Sharks, or It Pays To Be Nice To Everyone You Meet
I have to agree the kid deserves equal value for the pins. That's not right.
we second!, third!, and fourth! any comment saying this kid deserves more hahaha. Maybe some of the nicer stitch pins you have on your lanyard? haha

+1 totally agree Marvin I dont see how Geoff can be acting like he did such a wonderful thing by ripping this kid off... Some people never learn

I totally agree!! Sharky move in my eyes sounds like the kid was perfect prey for a predator. Hope you make it right when you complete the trade for the other pin.

To be fair to Geoff, you guys should know he told the guy how valuable the pin was. He told him he could have ANY pin in his book which included very very HTF and valuable Stitch Disney Auction and DS.com pins as well as others worth over $125 individually. The guy wanted the PODM pin. I've had trades where I tell the person how lopsided it is and even offer another pin but some people just want to do 1 for 1 and will straight up tell you they are happy to do it in return.

Also, everyone is referring to him as a kid but I'm guessing he was 19-23 years old.
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Sounds like he wanted PODM pins...my opionion he should have given him 2 each for each pin...that would have been fair. But glad he mentioned it.
If anyone says anything else about Geoff ripping the kid off you should be ashamed and saddened to say something like that Geoff is the fairest trader I know. He started me on my stitch pins I still remember are 34 pin trade when I first started collecting stitch! You know what also it turns out that he actually kind of got the bad side of the trade( at that particular time I did not know value of pins). So you know what stop saying he ripped the kid.

awe, geoff YOU DID GOOD. I loved the story and i am happy you got those pins, they may be "going" for that now but the whole Brave thing will mellow.....if the PODM and aladdin made him drool and that is his thing, then both parties got what they want, and you were clear on what he was trading.....you can always gift him alitlle something--oh yeh you said he is getting the poster pin also....all good. You dont need a scolding.
What makes those two pins worth that much? Me and my sons trade, but we have less than 100 pins between the three of us....no books...1 lanyards each and a large corkboard. I have never thought about money value when trading...It's "I like this, what do you like in return?" I guess that's why I 99% only let them trade with CMs.
For example I am looking for a Tokyo Disney SEA ...Toy Story Mania Grand opening pin, but have no idea how to get one...or if I have anything a trader would want in return.
So back to my first question ..Why are those so valuable? and how does a pin get valued like that? What did they originally cost?

I'm thinking the demand for the pin. and the lack of willing supply. whatever people are willing to pay. IDK LOL
there are some great pins out there that dont have very high monetary value but overall, are GREAT pins!
Everything has their phases I guess. I personally would not pay 200 bucks cuz I havent seen the movie
but whip out some Wall-e and mermaid pins, and I'll spend a pretty penny
It all depends on what people want
Brave is doing so well because sincethe movie just came out, new traders have
the ability to get them all as they are released
versus older pins that we may never be able to get. and there are soo many!
Geoff is a good person. Sure, he trades hard, but his pins are worth it. He not only offered anything in his book according to someone who was there. But he also gave the person an extra pin. Why do people feel such a need to beat down on a thread that was just a "positive pin kharma" post? He wasnt calling any of you sharks, nor was he claiming he is a saint. He was simply sharing that after a bad day of bad trades, he got a grail.

How is his trade for the brave pins any different from what we all have done? Person has something we want, we offer person anything they want. Person chooses a lopsided trade.... "really? your sure? OK! here, have this one too, and thank you!"
I'm sorry if I insult anyone. These pins are hard to find and while he might have offered anything in his book, the reaction of someone who doesn't know the value of his pins is going to be getting the biggest prettiest pin available. I know this because I was sharked before when I first started. Even if the offer was lopsided I would have offered more than just one PODM for this pin. I doubt it that he told the guy/kid that his pins are worth over $200 or that the offer was the equivalent of that. It'll be a good lesson for the kid/guy though once he finds out... Lol
ok. plainly put, My husband LOVES all things Scottish, so he is very very interested in collecting all the brave pins. He is only missing the 2 pixar brave pins, they are holy grails. He will NEVER pay 200, he thinks more than 75 for this LE650 plain as bones grey pin is dumb. It's not worth 100 let alone 200. So, this all comes down to percieved value. Sorry, but to me, that pixar logo just is NOT attractive. And I do not think it is going to hold value at 200 like you keep insisting.

How do we know that the "kid" didnt consider that podm a grail? How do we know that the "kid" is a new person to trading? Because of his tiny book? I have seen plenty of very expierenced older traders carry around a small book instead of a backpack full.

Why this freak out over a trade where both people walked away happy?
That's how I got sharked... That's why I wrote this.... I went through a similar experience being new not knowing what to do, happy to be acknowledged by someone at the big pin trader table... Little did I know about pin values... But hey who is sore??... Lol... I'm just hoping this wasn't the case...

As far as the brave pins... I didnt like them, thought they were ugly, but I did get some great offers... Someone gave me $250 for the set I had in my collection so I sold them... Then the other set I got later was traded to a person for pins that summed up to that value... I don't think the value comes from the edition size but the fact that they were exclusive to the Pixar store which only Pixar employees can use. There's only one store in the world located here in NorCal. Whoever has them is lucky because last I heard they were gone from the shelf.
The same thing could be said about me with the lopsided trade where I received The Beauty and The Beast Beloved Tales, but I asked the guy trading if he was sure as it's a more valuable pin . He replied value didn't matter, I had what he wanted, he had what I wanted . Done ! I just couldn't believe it . That someone was actually into more of the fun in pin trading than he was value .
Plus I do believe that Geoff offered him more than one, when he returned with the other . Did he ever come back Geoff ?

This is exactly what I did with this little girl. I gave them 4 pins (basic Princess pins) and the parents were absolutely shocked.

Yay for Geoff! Congratulations!!!
Wow guys, calm down. It wasn't a kid, it was an adult. Did he know the value of his pins? No. Did I tell him what they are worth? Absolutely. You know what he originally wanted? In case it wasn't clear he wanted the WDI poster, just that. I could have let him walk off with just that. Now that WOULD have been sharky. But I didn't. I guess I should have been more clear; when I told him anything out of my book, I told him he could have ANYTHING. Not just one pin, but multiples. And there were pins in my book worth hundreds of dollars each. The one pin that I got, the first one, JUST sold on 'Bay for 80, by itself. I had planned on letting him have anything at all in my book for the other one, too and he knew that. I was completely honest with him the whole time.

To my friends, thank you. I really, really appreciate Mark's response cause he was actually there, but he didn't have to help me out with the post.

To the others, well... Just remember, whatever goes around, no matter how good or how bad, will always, always come around.
I guess in your defense too...we don't know how he got the pin. Maybe a family member works at Pixar got it for him? A Friend? Obviously if he paid for it himself from a secondary market he WOULD know the value of said pin.

Like beauty, pin value is also measured in the eye of the beholder. If it was a gift or bought at retail, this guy is getting 1 or two pins he may like more, it may have absolutely no monetary value to them :/
I can only say that when people decide to do these stupid call outs and turn everything negative it makes me sick.
Geoff, you should not have to explain yourself and all those who post, bashing another member are just rediculous.
If you have an opinion and it is negative, just keep your mouth shut and dont spray your unbacked negativity on everyone else just to tr and make someone else look bad.
is this mean, rude, nasty, good because its just what some of you did to Geoff.
Theres always a lynch mob on here turning positive posts into drama
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