Announcement An Open Letter to DPF
This thread has a lot of drama (and a lot of browsers, a positive correlation, no?).
I'm not here to join in on the existing argument (I skipped it for sake of not wanting to be biased) but I will respond to the initial post and the first few afterwards (which I did read before getting too lazy to read on :lol.
I completely agree with dancecats with what was posted in the first post. I think it's important that we understand the boundaries of what is posted here and what is posted on FB. While I think that some content is shared between them and I do understand the repercussions there should be dealt with here in some manner, I do no agree that members should be penalized on thoughts and opinions.
The main reason being who has the right to say "that comment was malicious and that one was not." The Confessions page was a way to vent feelings (originally) but it clearly devolved, I understand and completely agree with that. However, the thing that has to be remembered is that the mods of that page merely posted the confessions which were submitted to them anonymously. They did not write all of them (heck, some many not have written any).
I was a mod on that page, I will admit, I'm not ashamed of it. However, just because I was "associated" with that page does not mean I automatically have to penalized for it. The truth of the matter was that I joined after seeing a photo of a member here (no, it was not Mike's photo) being posted on the page which I thought was wrong. I joined the page initially as a way to easily delete any confessions I thought were not right or were just "too" mean, not to make my own ruthless ones. While I'm not sure if all the admins had the same prerogative, I know others did (since confessions I was planning on deleting where deleted before I could get to them, by whom I do not know). On a page like that, it is impossible to know who is submitting those confessions (as an admin, I still had no access as to who posted what, it was completely anonymous). So when it comes down to something like that, you can't penalize a person who you don't even know.
If you must know, yes I did submit confessions. I submitted nearly all the Mean Girls quotes that involved Ozzie and Kilian, a submitted a number of jokes about the grammar police (like the Santa letter and other lighthearted ones), and I submitted random ones about how I would sit on a couch and act like a pin post (I got really bored), but those were never malicious. I think it's impossible to really know who submitted what and therefore, nobody can be banned.
I think that someone who has a past history of bad behavior (like not coming through on trades or trading counterfeits) on Fb should be penalized here, but not by the mods. They should be penalized by nobody on the forums trading with them (and everyone being aware). It's not the mod's responsibilities to constantly check-up on Fb. While what happens there may affect what happens here, if they don't see the Confessions page everyone talked about, they can't ban anyone for taking part in it. They do there best monitoring this site and thus, they have to focus on this site. The last thing I think we need is for this to devolve into a "he said-she said" argument where people PM the mods about how someone else said something mean on a different site but the mods can't see the site (whether because they didn't have an FB or the page was deleted).
Also on that note, this is general statement to EVERYONE (including myself) that if you see someone "baiting" or "trolling" or whatever you may call it, just don't respond. You can only blame a troll for wanting more drama if you keep feeding them well.
P.S. I know someone mentioned how this site isn't like it used to be, so here is a dose of nostalgia for you:
I humbly disagree. All because physical threats are not made does not mean that harassment is not a threat. For many individuals emotional wounds can turn into something more dire if not addressed.
Personally, I find it deplorable that individuals of whom are known members here are allowed to make such comments off the site when they are just that; KNOWN members. Especially when their ammo for their comments is coming from here, DPF. That is where the problem lies. All because I can chose to ignore someone's post doesn't mean they are not still reading mine and making horrendous "confessions" about me elsewhere. Yes, it is "garbage". Garbage that a ton of well-known members of this site took part of willingly, and enjoyed doing it.
I find this aspect of victim blaming quite ludicrous. It is not the harassed person's fault that they are being harassed. It is the harasser. Why tell the victim to just "ignore it" while the individual causing the trauma gets to continue with no repercussion? The harassers have become smart enough to move the drama off of DPF so that they do not get in trouble. And herein lies the problem. In order for this type of behavior to stop, there needs to be some kind of connecting link between separate sites, and new methods of infractions based upon this linkage.
I am not suggesting that every time someone makes a semi-rude comment they get an infraction here. That would be outlandish and completely unrealistic for the mods to handle. I am suggesting that if someone has documented forms of extreme harassment over the coarse of time, and presents this to the mods, that there should be some sort of new infraction administered to the harasser.
I would be more than willing to assist in this type of system. This is something I believe in strongly, and I want it to end. If this sort of victim blaming continues, I will be leaving this site of my own free will. It is horrifying that in this day and age, people are allowed to do whatever they please, and the victim is just being told "don't look". Entire rights movements have started because groups of people were told to just "ignore it".
I feel that it would be for the betterment of DPF as a whole to enforce some new details on the infraction system: particularly the part about "drama". Drama on and off the site (in extreme cases), should be cause for infraction. I feel that if this was elaborated upon, there would be less confusion, less rule-breaking, less instigating, and less hurt going around the forum. DPF is not the place it once was, and I strongly believe that all of this nonsensical drama is part of the cause of this.
I truly do appreciate the mods' efforts to put an end to the drama. Even addressing it alone is a huge step forward, and I for one am extremely grateful for it. I want it to be known that I truly do not want any argument to ensue from this, and all I want is to help DPF to become a more welcoming place for all pin traders again. I do hope that my posts are read as on topic, for that was and is my intention.
Please read all of my posts before making a reply. For a lot of what you have just wrote has been answered by me right above your comment.
Perhaps I am not emotionally tough enough. But perhaps these people participating in these harassing behaviors are not mature enough to realize that people's emotions are valid.
I feel that a lot of the members attacked are the ones known to have emotional instability, or are young and "emotionally immature," as you would have it. Which is really twisted and sick. Preying on those who are weaker or younger than you is simply messed up. It is a conscious decision and is purposefully executed by the individual's own free will.
While I may not be emotionally sound (and I will admit it), I think I am mature enough to look out for the sake of others. I am trying to convey my thoughts in the best manner I find possible. I just simply want a resolution for all of this nonsense and to enact a way to prevent it from happening again.
People are not at fault for being made victims. People that harass people are the ones at fault for harassing them. Those are the facts and there is no subjectivity about that. If people would stop using things from DPF as fuel for these outside sources, there would be no victims to protect. It is a vicious cycle that can be ended by punishing those who are wronging people. It would create less work and stress for everyone. And there would be less blow-outs here on DPF, if tensions were not allowed to build for so long. I just feel that the level of tolerance for drama has increased more and more and has now gotten to a point where it is astronomically high.
As I have stated before and will state again, yes. You can ignore someone here. But they can still see you, and that is the problem. They will still use anything you say or do to rip you down and tear you up. And for what? Why? What satisfaction to people get for saying such awful things? There is no reason for it and it should not be tolerated. Period.
I am sure some would see this conversion today as "drama" and I do think that word gets thrown around way to frequently and should be defined a little. Personally I see this as a interesting debate more than drama. There are several valid points being presented and as long as it stays civil…..
First off I don't think there is a way that the mods can do anything about what is being proposed. It takes a lot to be a Mod and not everyone cut out to do it…. that is why there are so few of them as it is on DPF. The current mods can barely keep up with things as it is and you are asking them to take it outside of this forum and deal with stuff posted on another site?
Alex, you said that "I don't think the internet should be policed" yet (in my opinion) that is exactly what giving infractions or banning someone here for actions somewhere else would do.
I am at a loss to understand after one mod asked nicely not to post anything else in this thread, why there are 5 posts containing discussion not directed towards the first post, as was asked, but commenting on other comments in the thread.
Once Dancecats logs in, and can lock the thread (as they posted it), it will be locked and looked at by the mods very closely.
Please read all of my posts before making a reply. For a lot of what you have just wrote has been answered by me right above your comment.
Perhaps I am not emotionally tough enough. But perhaps these people participating in these harassing behaviors are not mature enough to realize that people's emotions are valid.
I feel that a lot of the members attacked are the ones known to have emotional instability, or are young and "emotionally immature," as you would have it. Which is really twisted and sick. Preying on those who are weaker or younger than you is simply messed up. It is a conscious decision and is purposefully executed by the individual's own free will.
While I may not be emotionally sound (and I will admit it), I think I am mature enough to look out for the sake of others. I am trying to convey my thoughts in the best manner I find possible. I just simply want a resolution for all of this nonsense and to enact a way to prevent it from happening again.
People are not at fault for being made victims. People that harass people are the ones at fault for harassing them. Those are the facts and there is no subjectivity about that. If people would stop using things from DPF as fuel for these outside sources, there would be no victims to protect. It is a vicious cycle that can be ended by punishing those who are wronging people. It would create less work and stress for everyone. And there would be less blow-outs here on DPF, if tensions were not allowed to build for so long. I just feel that the level of tolerance for drama has increased more and more and has now gotten to a point where it is astronomically high.
As I have stated before and will state again, yes. You can ignore someone here. But they can still see you, and that is the problem. They will still use anything you say or do to rip you down and tear you up. And for what? Why? What satisfaction to people get for saying such awful things? There is no reason for it and it should not be tolerated. Period.
Cicada, I'm getting back to what this thread was initially about. I have a lot of members on my ignore list. Will the quotes also be blocked. Obviously I can't block everyone, but if that person is on my ignore list, I do not wish to read negativity.Well said.
on another note, you can always make use of the ignore feature.
I'm actually currently working on making it even better where you won't even see any ignored posts/threads at all if they are on your IL.
Everyone has feelings and everyone has a boiling point, some are higher than others. People will have very different reactions to the same comment, what may be a "whatever" thing to me may leave someone else in tears and online you never know how a comment will be taken. Something that I would judge to be harmless could have the potential to hurt someone else. You are very passionate about your feelings and I am sure your friends would love to have you looking out for them. But the point is to remain impartial, someone who feels like they are a victim should not be the one responsible for mediating between two opposing sides. They will ALWAYS choose the victims side.
If you want to be an advocate agains internet bullying PLEASE do, there need to be more people with that kind of passion.
I have said this time and time again….there will always be people online that will say hurtful stuff, it is up to the individual as to how they handle it. If I was emotionally unable to deal with some of the things I have recently been made aware of I would remove myself completely from the situation. (i.e. that is why I made my Facebook private and watch like a hawk what I post. I will not provide the fuel for my own burning.)
Plain and simple as long as DPF remains a public site (where complete strangers can access posts without being a member) anyone can potentially use what you post however they want, and until there are better laws preventing things like this it will continue to happen. I don't see any way how some anonymous post, or known members that comment on it should be held accountable for what they do on a different site? It is the other sites responsibility to account for the actions/posts on their site isn't it?
To help make my point… I could log out here, screen cap this whole thread, make up some phony alt ID's and post this thread in every single pin forum in existence and as long as I cover my tracks…. no one would be able to say beyond a doubt it was me. Some would get really upset about something like this while others just wouldn't care. (please keep in mind I would never really do this!)
There is a difference between policing and moderating, however. Policing would be the absurd notion that every comment or incident would deserve repercussions, while moderating would be the notion that extreme cases of harassment that are documented could deserve some punishment. As we have discussed, what determines cases as "extreme" would be a whole conversation in itself, but I think it would be valid to have.
Perhaps I am not best suited to be a mod lol, but I guess I was just trying to say I would be the type of person who would be willing to do it. I would hope someone more level-headed than myself would feel the same? And if it wasn't a new branch of moderation, that would be okay too! I just think it would be enough to just elaborate on the drama infraction rule, to clear confusion and to hopefully prevent cross-website and DPF drama as a whole.
I very much understand what you are saying. Of course anyone can see the forum and use anything they see here to get at others (for whatever reason they feel the need to do so).
My point is that those who are proved to have correlation between DPF and Facebook (as known members with known names), should be getting infractions for excessive harassing behavior.
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