Baby on the way - some have to go! A newer cleaned up thread with link to old one!

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Baby on the way - some have to go! A newer cleaned up thread with link to old one!
I am interested in the following pins:
Pin 33225:
Pin 75757
Pin 75769
Pin 75769
Pin 35576

Ok, think I am caught up with pm's. Please let me know if I missed anyone. That was A TON to get

Thank you so much for all of the congratulations on the pregnancy and sweet messages. :)

Pricing some of these below in messages as I don't think I had pm's from you two.

Are you selling these:

Pin 84466: - D23 Membership Exclusive 60th Anniversary Alice in Wonderland - 35
Pin 77065: - Stained Glass Cheshire Cat Pin - 30
Pin 36140: Disney Auctions (P.I.N.S.) - Cheshire Cat Unwound - not selling
Pin 30856: Disney Auctions (P.I.N.S.) - Am With Fish - 30
Pin 29168: Disney Auctions (P.I.N.S.) - Figaro and Cleo - not selling

I am interested in the following pins:
Pin 33225: - 30
Pin 75757 - sold
Pin 75769 - 65
Pin 75769 - same # as above ;)
Pin 35576 - 38

I had previous permission from the mods to be able to do this without listing prices for every single thing b/c there is so much.

That may have been the case, at one time, but it no longer is so. I don't know who granted you this permission, but it was done before Grim and I became moderators - and things are going to change. Starting with this thread (and any others you may currently have listed), I need you to have all of your sales threads listed in full compliance with the Sales Forum General Rules, which may be found here:

Specifically, this means (and I quote directly from the Sales Forum General Rules):

When posting a pin for sale, please state specific prices for your item(s), instead of asking buyers to make offers. Posts MUST contain a price.

Failure to comply with this will result in closure of your sales thread(s).
[/COLOR]That may have been the case, at one time, but it no longer is so. I don't know who granted you this permission, but it was done before Grim and I became moderators - and things are going to change. Starting with this thread (and any others you may currently have listed), I need you to have all of your sales threads listed in full compliance with the Sales Forum General Rules, which may be found here:

Specifically, this means (and I quote directly from the Sales Forum General Rules):

Failure to comply with this will result in closure of your sales thread(s).

Alright, well, close it then! I am sorry but I am sick as a dog with morning sickness right now and the last thing I have time to do is drag over 600 + pictures and add prices to them. Jon gave me permission a while back to do it that way and no, you were not a mod back then. Now, all of a sudden after all this time if becomes an issue... where is that coming from? Same rules were in place back then... I have read and am aware of them.

My only other open thread has prices so that one will not need to be closed.

ETA: You know, after reading this again, I was trying really hard not to take it the wrong way but the way you posted this was just RUDE and uncalled for and not very mod like at all. A simple pm would suffice. You said you don't know who gave me permission, maybe you could have taken a second to ask the other mods instead of suddenly tossing up your snippy comments when I have done nothing wrong. I did have permission to post that way so for you to jump all over my case with your comments like "things are going to change, starting here with your threads" is just ridiculously uncalled for. Why the quote? Obviously I KNEW about that or I would not have stated in the thread that I had permission to post this way so your "quoting" was just another rude and snippy comment you felt you needed to make, again have to wonder where it is coming from!
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Hey guys, just a quick update. I am slowly trying to answer pm's and all packages have been sent out. I have been extremely sick and in and out of the hospital over the last 2 weeks. I am on bed rest for the most part which is miserable so please forgive my delay in getting to everyone.
Am sending a pm right now lol!!! Ps congrats on the baby news.....I'm literally back myself this week after taking a year or so out trading due to our new 4! Lol, and like you, we had a 7 yr gap lol so had to get all the baby stuff again, it's soooo expensive now....anyway, back to topic, I will pm u right now lol! Xxx

**FYI - I will also be parting with some WDCC figures in boxes as well as some signed sericels. If you are looking for anything please let me know! I am still undecided but I may go ahead and let go of my Designer Princess dolls and mugs!

I would be interested in WDCC figures :) Do you still sell them?
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