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BATB PODM's! What scenes did everyone get?

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BATB PODM's! What scenes did everyone get?
These are the scenes I got. They're not very clear but I can't take better pictures of them for some reason! ugh


The one I am keeping is very similar and I love it! Grant got some good ones! I love this scene.
Disney totally dropped the ball with this release . . . . They should have hired the same people who chose the Mulan scenes - I am a bit disappointed with this one.

I am very disappointed, Not only did we wait hours and hours for these pins, seems like as the years go on most of disneys cast members treat pin traders like crap. I think that we all had a right to look at more then 5 pins, if something was wrong they should have done their best to help everyone not just act like they did not care and we were ruining their day. For the price we are all paying for these pins the quality sure isnt up to disney par. They have dropped the ball on a lot of pins lately, I understand we arent "paying customers" as I was once told from a manager but I do believe that most of us traders spend quite a bit of money with disney and I hope that pins stop heading in the direction they are.... Scratched, chipped, missing paint, bent cards. Maybe one day pins will be back up to auction quality :facepalm: one can only dream!
What do you want for them?
These two
are keepers for sure ... (See below)

We are considering one or both of these as possible traders (see wants list) ... but we are in no hurry to trade them away at this point.

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Well I have to laugh! I was something like 5th in line after some collectors left, she got i'll and had to leave, she was my campout friend I met from the last release, im shy and wanted to have someone to talk to through the night, she invited me to join her for this release. but this is funny, the guy in front of me as we were walking tward Pin Traders, slows down so I slow down, he slows even more and more, I didn't want to stop so fine I let him drop behind me (I think thats what he wanted) when we got to Pin Traders I said would you like your spot back? he threw his hands in the air and said "come on" well he got the scenes I wanted! the rose scene lol! Thats all I wanted, I got these, instead.
Oh but I must add! thank you lots to Pin a Colada! I got my Jiminy Cricket Scene! and for the great storage idea for PODMs I bought one on the home yesterday, they were in the Black Friday sale at Michaels 50% off sweet! you two were wonderful to meet! and Goofy Moe! thanks for the Scavenger hunt game! had a great time!
I wanna give a really big shoot out to Jrdnsmom for standing in the cold and picking me up one. Your kindness will not be forgotten. Can't wait to get it. Are you shadowboxing yours too? I have to wait til after xmas to get mine. Kids sucked me dry this year.

You got to LOOK at 5! I friggin got what they handed me. They let me look at them before I bought them, but only to show me that they were 2 different scenes. You take it, or you leave it!
I got two scenes of belle and beast dancing, belle in the snow( WHAAATTT HOW DID THAT HAPPEN) and one of beast with the rose. I heard that there were lumiere scenes, but I sure didn't see any.

You disappeared on me. I was going to ask what you got! Yay! Did you take my advice and go first and then come back with dad?
These are the scenes Ashley and I got:

Her keeper scene:

These 3 are for trade:

Someone had mentioned Disney dropping the ball on this release and after looking at all the scenes posted on here and on Ebay, I'm gonna have to agree. Everything has been centralized around 4 groups. Library, snow, ballroom, and mirror/rose scenes. I thought for awhile that maybe the snow scenes were going to be Grail, but I've seen too many of them now. I really wish they had done Be our Guest or the stained glass. But I really can't complain. I have one and thats all that really matters.
I would be interested in one with a frame of beast... Any frame, face on of beast. Although a comical expression would be excellent...

Please everyone who has one take a glance through my traders? pinpic ID is kadair76
Oh, and HOW on earth are you guys taking such great pics of your scenes! I cannot get mine in focus at all to post good pics!
Well I put mine on my light box I have (a illustrator always has an art box)Best way: I use my light box ( you could use a glass table top and flash a flashlight up under it. Get your phone/ camera. DON'T get close to it Youself. I hold mine elbow distance away and zoom on it with the phone. They come out very clear that way (at least I think it is for mine!)

Thank you! I will try that!
I am having a signing with Paige O'Hara on the 15th of Dec. These would make a great gift for us to give her when she arrives. If anyone has any extras or ones they would like to trade i can offer to have your Beauty and the Beast items or pins signed by "Belle" herself. You can contact me at 714-588-7864 with what scene you have or for autograph ticket information.
Thank You,
You got to LOOK at 5! I friggin got what they handed me. They let me look at them before I bought them, but only to show me that they were 2 different scenes. You take it, or you leave it!

I would have went insane if they gave me what I got!! I was in the top 50 and we got to look at 5 each, no more. Didn't matter of they were scratched, bent or anything. I know they have a lot of people to move through the lines but it's not like we're paying 10$ for these pins they were expensive, as customers we should have the right to make sure they are in good condition.
Do you text? I have some Belle pins I would love autographed. I was gonna give my sister a Belle pin and it would be awesome to give her one signed.

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