Cast Member Winter 2013 Cross-U Pin Frozen shilled?
Seller: v*****2517
eBay item number: 271356451407
Item location: Orlando, Florida
High bidder: i***e (2935 Feedback score)
Ending price: US $212.50
Bid Count: 32
Number of bidders:
Auction duration: 1 week
Seller: v****2517
eBay item number: 271363070692
Item Location: Orlando, Florida
High Bidder: i***e (2935 Feedback score)
Ending Price: Jan 10, 2014 19:44:31 PST
Bid Count: ?
Number of bidders: 7
Auction duration: 1 week
Seller: f************127
eBay item number: 360827184365
Item Location: Orlando, Florida
High Bidder: private listing
Ending price: Jan 08, 2014 09:34:42 PST
Bid count: ?
Number of Bidders: 6
Auction Duration: 1 week
So I was looking to the frozen pin on eBay and I have noticed that it looks suspicious. The first seller has relisted the item twice with the same high bidder, that same bidder was the one that retracted than re-bid on the first auction. The 3rd listing is a private listing so information is limited to the public. Looking at the feedback for the seller buyer i***e has not left feedback nor has the buy left feed back to the buyer. I am sure the pin is being shilled and the final prices false. Also most cross U pins are LE2000+ and will pop up later than sooner; the seller might be trying to make a market to raise the trade value of the pin.
eBay item number: 271356451407
Item location: Orlando, Florida
High bidder: i***e (2935 Feedback score)
Ending price: US $212.50
Bid Count: 32
Number of bidders:
Auction duration: 1 week
Seller: v****2517
eBay item number: 271363070692
Item Location: Orlando, Florida
High Bidder: i***e (2935 Feedback score)
Ending Price: Jan 10, 2014 19:44:31 PST
Bid Count: ?
Number of bidders: 7
Auction duration: 1 week
Seller: f************127
eBay item number: 360827184365
Item Location: Orlando, Florida
High Bidder: private listing
Ending price: Jan 08, 2014 09:34:42 PST
Bid count: ?
Number of Bidders: 6
Auction Duration: 1 week
So I was looking to the frozen pin on eBay and I have noticed that it looks suspicious. The first seller has relisted the item twice with the same high bidder, that same bidder was the one that retracted than re-bid on the first auction. The 3rd listing is a private listing so information is limited to the public. Looking at the feedback for the seller buyer i***e has not left feedback nor has the buy left feed back to the buyer. I am sure the pin is being shilled and the final prices false. Also most cross U pins are LE2000+ and will pop up later than sooner; the seller might be trying to make a market to raise the trade value of the pin.