Thank you for the generosity!
Now for a very important post. I've been thinking this over for a bit, and have been dreading making this post, but I feel it needs to be done.
When I came back from hiatus, my life was supposed to have calmed down. But except for a short while at the beginning, it hasn't. And the times I can visit DSF are getting further and further between. I'm also finding less free time and energy to make shop updates (as you've probably all noticed lately). Looking forward, I don't see this getting better anytime soon. Which I recognize is not fair to y'all (waiting on drawings, waiting on invoices, waiting on mailings, etc.) So, as much as I hate doing this, I think it's best I close up shop.
The shop will remain open through the end of the year. I will do PTD pickups, attend the December release, and most likely do Toys for Tots. But as of January 1st, or whenever I finish fulfilling outstanding orders if the PTD flip is slow like the previous one, I will be closing.
I still plan on going to DSF monthly releases and heading over for good PTD flips. But I won't necessarily go to every one, I probably won't go for additional pickups after the release, and I won't be taking names ahead of time for them; I'll set up sales for the pins after I have them. Some I still plan on doing as drawings (give a certain amount of days for signups), and some may be first come, first served. It will all depends on circumstances at the time of sale.
I want to thank you all for being such great customers over this past year and a half or so! Y'all have been more patient with me than I think I deserve at times.
For those of you with PTD or shop credits - Don't worry! I will be contacting you each of you soon.