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ZAPPED! Curious... What makes you post a thread about a ZAP?

ZAPPED! Curious... What makes you post a thread about a ZAP?


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I was chatting with somebody a couple of days ago about this and they have encountered the same thing I have on more than one occasion so it got me thinking about this more...

What makes you post a thread about some of your zaps but not all of them?

I hope this does not come across as a "rude" question in any way b/c I promise I do not mean it that way! :) Just curious is all!

Alright, this is hard to word as I don't want to come across in a way that seems ... "whiney" for lack of a better word...lol I also don't want to come across like I am upset with anyone I have sent a zap to (promise I am NOT) which is why I am nervous about even posting. ;) I send a zap b/c I want to do something nice for the person and for that reason alone but can't help but notice this.

I have sent out several zaps (at least 10-15 that I can remember) and I don't think I have ever seen anyone post a thread about it when they got them in. Now, this part alone does not bother me in the least. Most have said thank you in a message or left a thank you in giving feedback and that tells me they appreciated it and I am happy to know I sent them something they liked/were looking for. :)

What I guess does make you feel a little bad is when you see a few days or weeks later the same people are posting threads gushing about the zaps they got from other people. I can't help but wonder then if they did not actually like what I sent them or what it was that made them so excited about this zap that they wanted to post about it but not the zaps I sent? Am I just reading too much into that? :lol: You can tell me to shut up, it is ok!

Again, I hope nobody takes offense to this. I just wanted to get some thoughts from others since I know at least one other person has been thinking about this.
I have also had this happen where I have sent zaps and they dont post but then get another zap and post about it. So I wish I had the answers for u . . . . maybe it has to do with timing - like maybe this week they were swamped and then the next they had more time to post?
I happily post about anything and everything I get. Sometimes it takes me a little longer because I get lazy about taking pics and then uploading them to photobucket etc. But even if I am delayed about posting them here, I always send a PM to thank to my zapper.

I have been at the other end though. I had few occasions where I sent zaps along with trades. Let alone sending me a PM and/or posting it here, the other party did not even bother to leave fb for the trade. Oh well .....
I like to post every zap that I get as I feel that it is a public way of saying thankyou and showing how kind hearted this hobby can be.

I have sent a couple of zaps and only about half of them has been posted, however that is down to the receiver and if they do not wish to post it fair enough, just hope that they appreciate the pin :)
Thanks for the opinions, guys! At least I know it is fairly common for this to happen. I just began to wonder after it happening several times if my zaps were not too exciting or what...lol I thought they were nice but you can't help but be nervous hoping they really like them. ;)
I know that if I ever got a zap then I would post it, every time I got one :)
I've not yet had one so I can't speak from experience but I am in the process of getting a couple of pins that are going to go out as zaps to people just to make them happy and I know I'd love to see a thread saying it arrived safely :)
Well I have been accused of posting as a sympathy post as I get zapped!So I actually just send the zapper a nice note in a PM and leave FB too
I think this is correct :)

you may choose to "zap" (send) someone a pin of your choice, for any or no reason at all! The receiver may choose to zap you back or not. Simple as that.

In order to take part
for zapping and/or to be zapped message Bricklayer in a private message with your name & address.
Don't feel bad. The same thing happens to me. I try not to take it personal, but sometimes it's hard. Someone will go on and on about a zap they got, but never even let me know that they got mine. I just figure they may be too busy that day to post and then forget.
I've had two zaps, happily posted and thanked the mystery zapper since they are not signed from anyone... But my investigative team are working on fingerprints and such... so I will find you my pretty and your silly dog too...HAHAHAHA
I often dont post zap thank yous on the thread forums because I recieve my zaps WITH a trade, so i know who dun it, and thank them via PM. I dont think I have gotten a random zap with unknown origins yet. :) When I do, likely it will be posted in huge letters on a thread somewhere.
I have also send out a few Zaps (mostly including an extra pin or two when i send out the trade) and dont really see anything posted about it but we always get a thank you and sometimes an extra little treat in the mail a few days later :)
I think it is just having to do with either them being busy or just knowing that sending a private message is enough (which for us it really is).
i have both situations. I have sent many xtra goodies with a trade and always get a PM thankyou, a great feedback with a mention. I have never just zapped someone--but one is going out soon. Next i have been zapped in a trade and i have started threads or PM'd and visitor messaged the zapper. It is all about the day/time if i start a thread. Plain and simple.
I try to always list a zap, but I know there have been times, that I have not been able to post and other times where I can't post a picture so I can only put the pin number. :-(

I think it is fixed now, but will have to try and see. :)

Yep no zaps for me and only one trader that ever sent extra goodies, it was a looong while ago so I'm not sure if I took pictures and posted them but I did contact them personally and tried to return the kindness and I know that at one point someone created a trader appreciation board and I thanked them there. Unfortunately things fell apart shortly after, but if I ever did get a zap I'd post it and thank the person even if I didn't particularly want the pin, because I was raised to be thankful whenever you got a gift because it's the thought that counts. It is pretty upsetting when you zap someone and don't even get a PM at least confirming that they got it, I've had that happen. I guess that person is enjoying their pin, considering how much they said they wanted it. Oh well, I guess some people are better sharing their feelings than others.
It's been several years since I've been zapped so I have nothing to post about! But if/when I ever do get zapped, I would certainly post every single one!!
For me, it has to do with timing. I could see myself getting something in the mail and being SUPER excited about it but do not have time to get to a computer during the work week, I tend to forget when I finally have a chance to get on and that's why it was not reported. And if I did get something and I had time to document/take pictures and gush about it online during a slow work day then I will. :)
I've had two zaps with trades & posted them. But I haven't posted everything to the "Mail Days" thread, because sometimes I'm just too busy at work (where I receive my shipments) and then sometimes later life is just too crazy. So I could see where it might happen that I get a zap but don't post about it just because I'm so busy and then it gets away from me.
I don't think a post is necessary, but a thank you in a PM would be nice! To have someone not acknowledge that you sent them a little extra is just pretty rude.