Disney Fairytale Designer Collection - Heroes & villains collection 2016
Not sold out in UK. But thanks to those who tried to scare me. I left the shop now and they had 15 left. Very bad wave for Disney...
Man all these problems...this entire wave has just been one big mess. It's like Disney tried really hard to make these dolls as appealing as possible but then cut back on the quality control for whatever reason. Same can be said for the 17" BatB dolls to an extent. It is gonna be interesting to see how Disney handles the designer dolls next year if they release any at all by this point. I just wish Disney would look at how they are handling these dolls and try to figure out how to improve them instead of pointing a finger at collectors and blaming them for the dolls poor sales.
Only me and one other person in my store for the raffle today, which is an all-time record low, I think.
I picked the best set out of the three that I was allowed to look at, but there are still quality issues with it. Aurora has a bald spot where they didn't root the top of her head. I was able to manipulate the hair a bit and try to cover it up. I also found a run on the side of her dress. No point in even trying to return it as they all will probably have something wrong with them. I try to tell myself not to be too picky about the flaws, but gee whiz $141 and my doll is bald!
other pics ,
I'm surprised they wouldn't let you look at all of them since there were only two of you there.
And yes, $141 for a bald doll is horrible. Maybe go and complain to the store manager?
Only me and one other person in my store for the raffle today, which is an all-time record low, I think.
I picked the best set out of the three that I was allowed to look at, but there are still quality issues with it. Aurora has a bald spot where they didn't root the top of her head. I was able to manipulate the hair a bit and try to cover it up. I also found a run on the side of her dress. No point in even trying to return it as they all will probably have something wrong with them. I try to tell myself not to be too picky about the flaws, but gee whiz $141 and my doll is bald!
They had three out and said I could look at those and pick out one of the three. I didn't notice the bald spot or the run in the dress until I got home, so I thought it was okay. And I already complained and got a refund on the Alice set, which was actually a lot worse, so I really don't want to go and do it again. I gave Aurora a bit of a comb over so it is not so noticeable, it is just disappointing.
What you do if their quality control sucks right? A doll with a bad spot is a terrible flaw that warrants a return. Do you think you wanted to keep on going back to that store? Its a hassle to you as well to kepp on going back and forth. If I were you I would return this asap.
They had three out and said I could look at those and pick out one of the three. I didn't notice the bald spot or the run in the dress until I got home, so I thought it was okay. And I already complained and got a refund on the Alice set, which was actually a lot worse, so I really don't want to go and do it again. I gave Aurora a bit of a comb over so it is not so noticeable, it is just disappointing.
I understand what are you saying! It's like we just need to give up and accept the fact that with this year's wave we're lucky if we even get like just one problem! Disney, Improve the damn quality control or GTFO :roll:
I know, every time I get a doll from Disney, I'm having to choose for whichever flaw or damage is the most acceptable to me.
Whenever I get a doll that has only some very minor problem I feel as if a miracle has occurred.
Thanks. I don't know if I just have bad luck or what. I don't understand how there are some collectors who say they've never gotten a damaged/flawed doll from Disney, because I have had more than my fair share of them in the three years or so that I have been collecting. I really love Disney's dolls but I am tired of spending so much money on products with so many quality issues. I feel kind of bad for complaining and returning dolls, but I actually collect other types of dolls that I have NEVER had any problems with and have never had to return even once, so I don't think it me being too picky or anything.
There seem to be more issues with overall quality on the designers than the 17in dolls, so I'm pretty sure this is my last designer set, IF they even release any more after this year. .. this year's line seemed very unpopular.
Thanks. I don't know if I just have bad luck or what. I don't understand how there are some collectors who say they've never gotten a damaged/flawed doll from Disney, because I have had more than my fair share of them in the three years or so that I have been collecting.
I definitely feel for you. I've counted myself incredibly lucky so far that every time I go for a doll, I always seem to get one that's in fairly good condition. Sometimes there's a fringe out of place, other times a stray hair or two, but no major and/or glaring flaws. And every time I hear the horror stories, I'm always so grateful. It's actually interesting, because I'm usually unlucky in just about everything else, but for some reason, I have luck with these dolls. Maybe because I haven't been collecting as long as some? And yet, new collectors seem to have problems, too, so who the heck knows?
Of course, I have no idea how this set will go for me. It's scheduled for delivery tomorrow, according to UPS. But I ended up having to go to the store today anyway because I wanted to get Aurora/Maleficent for a friend of mine who was unable to go. And, once again, I got lucky because there's not a flaw in sight (least, not that I can see without deboxing it). And I can't even say that it's my store taking really good care of these dolls because I went to a different location today (one closer to where I live has finally started selling LE dolls). So, yeah, I'm definitely expecting my luck to run out eventually.