Disney Princess Designer Collection DOLL Release Discussion v2.0
Wow... I go away for a week to the Most Magical Place on Earth (and it was a FABULOUS vacation) and things really got shaken up here a bit! In essence, we will all do what we'll do to get what matters the most to us. If it's these dolls, that's perfectly fine. If any of us have plans to obtain more than one of a particular princess doll, that's also perfectly fine. One thing I have learned from this experience is that we all can get so wrapped up into the mania caused by the limited availability of these items, that judgments are made and feelings get hurt. I find that very unfortunate. I must say that having been away for a week with no internet access, I did not stress out about the dolls at all while I was gone, despite being a Disney Doll fanatic. Things will work out one way or another. For better or for worse, the dolls will be released next week and hopefully the bad feelings will diminish. Apart from the Ariel doll and the D23 Silver Cinderella doll, most of the Designer dolls have reduced in eBay price on eBay. Sure, that's not ideal by any means, but at least it is an option. Perk up, all! We can do this!
OK people, we have a week to go. I am reminded of something very wise that was told to me once upon a time. Regarding "wants" and "obtains". We ALL should do our best to obtain the dollour hearts desire,BUT, perhaps the most logical way to approach this adventure is this. Assume that you will NOT get your doll`despite your best efforts- and then!! IF and WHEN you are fortunate enough to secure it [them] you will be ecstatic and over the moon! If you don't get the doll, the disappointment is likely to be less intense. That attitude, I find, makes for a much less tramatic adventure when the outcome cannot be assumed. The simple fact is that there are only so many dolls and many more people who desire them.
Wow!! this thread got very hostile very quick!! I really hope everyone gets the dolls they want but it looks like its going to be tough... i wish everyone luck, I will try my chances online if I get them great if not well what can i do...like everyone said life will go on! but lets go back to a nice forum, not one were everyone is bitter and upset!!
Someone on eBay has them "in hand"...my guess is they also pre-ordered them...AND their dolls all have the same #. The BiN is astronomical, but it's cool all of the numbers match. (Edition sizes also seem to match what was assumed prior.)
Hi. This is my first post on these forums although I've been reading the posts since they announced the new rules. Since DS announced the dolls in August the only ones in I have wanted are Aurora and Rapunzel but now with these new guidelines I think it might be darn hard to get them. When I called my local Disney Store today the cast members seem to have wiped their hands clean of the whole affair. All they would tell me is that they open the doors at 10 oclock and that they basically can care less what anyone does before that. I guess this means that there will be no organized line outside the mall when it is closed and no organized line in front of the store before it opens. I was hoping they'd have a little more organization for the event but I guess they really just don't care. Has anyone else talked to their store about how it is handling the 17th? Anyway I guess I'll contact my mall and see what they say about being their before it opens and what doors open first because I still at least want to try. I mean, after 2 months of anticipation I might as well give it a go!
and Vicki, there is no announcement on either the DS blog or facebook page so I dont think they've said anything yet.
I just saw those auctions, too. It's kind of sad that this person is selling them since they are all the same number from their editions (#0052). I suppose that this seller probably has a complete set in addition to the ones they are selling. Let's see if anyone takes the bait... This ought to be interesting.