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Disney Princess Designer Collection DOLL Release Discussion v2.0

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Disney Princess Designer Collection DOLL Release Discussion v2.0
Amazing and sooo pretty lol lucky lucky you But lets not forget the people that are trying in 40 mins to get there dolls
She is a BIG SWEETHEART. She stand in line for her and me too. I am so happy for her and for all have their dolls.

I really say "Good luck" people to all now for online situation.
Congratulations on getting your Punzy, thanks to Moon! 8 1/2 hours to go for me and others to try our luck on the US Disney Store site!

While waiting on word from you, I decided to debox Ariel. I will post pictures shortly in the deboxing thread...
I noticed they've just changed the US DS "logo" page for the Designer Princesses. Now there are only the five remaining princesses in the picture. Also, it no longer opens the earlier disclaimer about the sale of the dolls in the shops/online. In fact, it does nothing. But at least something is happening...

Small things mean a lot when you're desperate...
good luch to everyone on the uk site in a few minutes. i hope i can ge rapunzel that is the only doll i want

Yes i understand what you feel cool logo now...but they put TOO space for Aurora only -.-
Thanks for the heads up. Yes, it only has the 5 remaining Princess dolls. And no links to further info, or product pages. We await the links to 5 Princesses in 8 hours 15 minutes...

Here is the new banner for the Designer Collection at the US site:

Thankyou sooo Much Rose i feel better now

Oh adorable guy... really try to stay calm. When the dolls show up you clik the first your heart desire.
Choose her and after her the second you want and like this with all 5. (or 4,if you have Jasmine )
I just think about all UK users but a BIG thinking for the US people at 9a.m. Pacific Time...

Another idea: put in the shopping cart first the 4000 ones...they will sell out FAST.

All will have one doll....or all 5! I hope that
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OMG ROSE I COULD KISS YOU i seriously could i was refreshing and refreshing and nothing was coming up thankyou sooo much i feel soo much better now lol
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