Disney Princess Designer Collection DOLL Release Discussion v2.0
Some were collectors but I think about half of them were resellers, including a family of four that included a boy that was 10, who was pulled out of school to make a quick buck for this family that were diffiently not disney collectors (the whole time we were praying that he wouldn't be able to get the dolls and when he didn't get the cards the mom had a huge fit! But luckily the cast member handled it greatly and held her ground)
We chose the wrong mall period.
We had been contacting both security as well as the Disney Store for WEEEEEKS.
Trying to figure out the plan, if there was one, what our best chance was to get the dolls while still abiding by the rules.
They told us all along, that there was no "official" line at any entrance (which I begged them to create) and that their recommendations were to try the entrances closest to the DS (near Nordstrom) where the previous customers had had the most luck.
This was the last thing we heard at mall closing at 7PM last night.
Our wait began immediately after.
Around 3AM we spotted 2 people by the door from our car and we jumped out to join them in what we THOUGHT would be a line.
We were 3 & 4.
Essentially guaranteed the dolls to complete our set.
Come 4AM a security vehicle pulls up next to our little tight-knit, gung-ho ecstatic community and tells us that we are to abandon our line and join the now "official" line on the other side of the mall.
Needless to say,
we were no longer 3 & 4 in line.
We were 24 & 25.
& only ended up being able to purchase Jasmine.
& I was lucky enough to be able to trade for Aurora.
In all honesty, I am very upset with the mall security.
And as much as I understand that my birth certificate was never stamped with the large brand "FAIR",
I really feel a little robbed.
The first people in line had only been there since 12.
We were there a total 5 hours before them, and a whopping 13 hours total to only get one doll.
If I am torn to shreds over these feelings, then so be it.
But I am definetly NOT EVER going to recommend Glendale Galleria for an event such as this to anyone for any reason ever.
On a side note:
Congrats to all who acquired the dolls!
I am happy to hear quite a few had an enjoyable time and that the dolls went to loving homes![]()
Woodfield, in Illinois. Yes, I am also going to try and get the dolls online, my checkout hardly ever works, but fingers crossed![]()
the mall security was telling everyone that was walking by that asked what the line was for, he replied that Michelle Obama was making an appearance at the Disney Store.
^ that's funny! I guess we should had went there! It was sorta crazy not horrible just that problem with picking the wrong door. Your lucky that you got out of there so quickly, we didn't get the cards till 9:30 and by that time there was about 50 people in line, I think a few were mall walkers that wanted to see what was going onit was good that everyone that got there before seven ended up getting a doll. I would really consider going to that mall instead if I was to ever do something like this again, woodfields just to big! Ill wait to see if I'm able to get any dolls tommorrow but I will pm you if I think I could maybe make a trade. Thanks
I am entitled to my opinion and I stick by it. In regards to those 2 situations then I guess my comments dont imply as those were just sneaky people but please dont start hating on me just because I have my opinion. And my post was NOT regarded towards moondance or the other post you mentioned as more a general point of view for those who dont like the fact that they didnt get there doll.
And if you want someone to blame then point fingers at people who took the family and bought more than the 1 of each doll.
and please dont assume Im just commenting for fun, I travelled 4 hours to Dublin (8 hours in total) to get my Rapunzel and a friends Aurora doll and I have to say I just walked in, picked the dolls up and paid.
Its only in the US the dolls are being crazy for with lines, tickets etc and in my opinion all this is your own fault and have only yourself to blame no one else.
Flame me all you want for what I say but it will do no good as wont change my mind.
Curse you all for infecting me! :anxious: :angel:
lol Yes this thread have SO passionate usersD) and i think we infecting you too!
Welcome in "Designer Dolls Freakness"!!! :hsd:
Yesterday Moondance told to me she was able to get all 5 dolls for her (YAAAAY i am so happy for her!!!!) and the Rapunzel for me!
She show me yesterday,before she going to sleep (poor,i just imagine all of you do the lines) her in Skype and i say "is yours?" and she "Not. She is YOURS" lol :shock: .......
(i dance:wiggle:,run in my house:eek2:,go out and scream to all my happyness :rofl:,kiss random people :shock:,singing with the birds and animals and flowersand say "Urrà " :hsd:
and hugs ALL :hug
Ok. Now im fine.
Many many many Thanks to my Moon:love:
Today is the LAST day for all want her doll/Dolls.
Shiva and the others who aren't able to get the dolls ... i pray for you all . :hug:..you will have the dolls you want! Have faith and someday...your dolls will arrive!![]()
I am so happy for you, Rose, that our dear friend Moondance was able to make your dream come true, but also that her wish to get the final 5 also came true, too! I know that you feel as happy as I did when I received my Snow White doll! But we are not out of the woods, yet... By tomorrow afternoon, this will really be over, for better or for worse! Good luck to all of us trying online!![]()
OH yay Rose im sooo happy for you thats fabulousi had the lovely Constance manage to get me a Tiana and A friend in the US got me a Jasmine lol so im on tonight hoping to get my Auroa, Poci and Raps which me luck
HEHE yes its great and Tiana who i really wanted to but i must have Rapy and Poci and i guess Auroa also lol
IM soo happy for you awww MOon is such a sweetheart![]()
She is a BIG SWEETHEART. She stand in line for her and me too. I am so happy for her and for all have their dolls.
I really say "Good luck" people to all now for online situation.
I stood in line and got tickets for your Rapunzel and my aunt's Jasmine.
My boyfriend gave me his dolls, but my grandma gave him her Tiana, so now he's got to get his own online.
Constance got me a Pocahontas! <3 Thank you!
I just wanted to share my haul with you all:
Magic Tickets!!! (the grumpy cast member wouldn't let us keep them :down
Jasmine is absolutely gorgeous! One of my fave dolls in the collection!
Aurora is just stunning.. but I do cringe everytime I see her bangs!!
Beautiful Tiana with super cute Naveen puckering up!
Pocahontas is also beautiful, but wish they had brightened her up a bit like the rest of the princesses.
Rapunzel isso pretty!
Snow White's pictures that I haven't gotten around to posting on here. I love love love love her dress!
And while I was admiring my new set of dolls my awesome boyfriend (who endured the craziness with me this morning) surprises me with:
Mulan!!!!! He said that he tried to find Ariel for me, but could not afford the ridiculous prices on e-bay, so compensated with Mulan! He told me he'd still try to find her for me though. Swooooooooooon. Hooray for thoughtful boyfriends!
Anyway, good luck to all who are trying to the dolls online tomorrow! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you all! Stay positive!!