Disney Princess Designer Collection DOLL Release Discussion v2.0
I think you would be foolish to do that before the online release Rose. Just be patient and have faith PLEASE! Don't feed the sharks.
Rose valentine, I think your ebay seller is a fake, how can it be 8868 number when the doll is limited to 6000?
LOL! Were we at the same store? I went at 5:15, I was 14th person in line. I got the 4 dolls I wanted and passed only one I did not want.
Ours was a small and orderly line with friendly people chatting up.
LOL all you people are crazy. All this over dolls and Im surprised people are getting so mad at ebay sellers for getting there first.
In my opinion if you really wanted the doll you would have got there earlier to make sure you got your doll and cause you saw other people before you they automatically must be ebay sellers which I find a little harsh to put that on those people before you in queue just becuase they beat you to it. At the end of they day the system was fair and proper and cause it did not go your way then you must make a scene and be angry.
and to say people took family members who makes them alright and ebay sellers not..same boat for everyone buying multilpe dolls even if it is to help other people out.
I agree Stitch. Everyone had the same opportunities to get the doll. There's no excuse for attacking the re-sellers (especially after warnings that people were there almost a day in advance). Pretty crazy. They deserve it.
It did burn my bridges though that these men bragged outloud how they will be laughing all the way to the bank after selling them . I don't care what they do with their dolls, but don't be so blatantly ignorant, when you know others are there to buy to keep.
The first person was holding a spot for two more, and the second person was holding a spot for her husband,
In my opinion if you really wanted the doll you would have got there earlier to make sure you got your doll and cause you saw other people before you they automatically must be ebay sellers which I find a little harsh to put that on those people before you in queue just becuase they beat you to it. At the end of they day the system was fair and proper and cause it did not go your way then you must make a scene and be angry.
Went to the Brea mall and talked to security around 5 am. Told US they were not allowing line up till 7am and you couldnt park till 630 am. So around 620 i decided (know how this things end up at the disney parks) to just head up and see what people were doing. I drove up in this pretty big parking lot and seen about 10-15 ppl walking from one side of the lot to the front doors. I park and got out and all of a sudden that mob of people dashed to the front door after security said we could line up at 630 (its still on 623). Well there were a few people HIDING in the Bushes and popped out and ran to the front door as well but what changed at the last sec was they wanted to line everyone up in the parking lot and escort use inside right away so everyone who dashed to the doors ended up being at the back of the line and everyone just walking ended up first. For myself i was 14 and my GF was 15 but we only wanted Rapunzel. THey have 13 of the 4k LE and 24 of the 6k LE dolls. Im happy i didnt want all 5 cause it ended with the person in front of me. Just thought i let everyone know what happened at my mall.
On another note, one of the people who jumped out the bushes to get in front was about 21st and started screaming at security about how this is unfair that they were hear before ANYONE else and they deserve to get all 5 dolls. He screamed at the manager and made s big stink the whole 3-4 hours we were in line and even tried cutting in front of the line. Needless to say there were a lot of big guys there with their wives and GFswho didnt let that happen.