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Disney Princess Designer Collection DOLLS --- NOW WITH PICTURES PAGE 3! ---

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Disney Princess Designer Collection DOLLS --- NOW WITH PICTURES PAGE 3! ---
Thanks so much! I was able to order~~ Nightie night!
wow there's 69 "guests" viewing....definitely don't say anything

oh and Rose, your drawing was beautiful, I realized I didn't mention anything before....
I am get exited and happy for all of you,because you can get the dolls you want. But,at the same time, i fell sad and anxious because i want just one doll of this collection and i wait,and wait..and i see you wrote "Yes! Order mine" ... Umf... A little sadness. ... But..... i hope.
First post!!!

I just wanted to say thank you to Karkura for sharing that link.. I've missed out on all of the dolls and am so happy to say I'm finally going to get a doll.. and it's my most favorite out of the whole collection! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
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Yes, thank you for the link as this was the first one I ordered as well. It's strange how the page for the dolls does not update.
Hopefully no one gets the dreaded email.
Thanks again!!
thank you so much for the link - I have been lurking for weeks and love your camaraderie here! My partner loves pins and I love the parks. Looking forward to learning more here.
We have been visiting the store every Monday morning - but I was anxious and kept waking up. Hopefully I can sleep and dream of the lovely Snow White. I know many of you have said the ordering has been hit or miss - is it the shipping?
thanks again
Thank you from Finland as well, Karkura!

I'm lucky as your 3AM is 10AM for me. When I got to work at 9AM my boss decided we need to have a meeting about our house warming party (we've just moved offices) for our customers and contact people. Yep, you guessed it, at 10AM!

Luckily the meeting only took 25 minutes I ran to my computer and was worried at first it had sold out already as I couldn't find it. Then I came here and found the link and made an order. So, thanks again!
like with many others, I have been lurking and decided to join in with the group! everybody here is so nice and wonderful and I would like to say hi and thank you. because of this I was able to get my snow white doll, thank you so much!

I am a huge disney fan and go to the parks as often as I can as well as most all disney items.
My gosh, wish I knew the link was here! Thanks for posting it Karkura! I actually found the item number from someone on the Facebook page for these dolls (drama).

Either way, I finally bought the dolls!! yay! I have an extra Snow White, anyone willing to trade for a Ariel? PM me! <3

- Nancy

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I am going to keep that a secret because if there are any sharks around here I don't want them to know. But I am always happy to help out, as Ursula says, those poor unfortunate souls.

Oh my gosh I am getting really cheesy. Gotta go to bed. :shock:

Good point! In any case, thank you so much for your help in staying "one jump ahead" of the sharks! Oh, now I'm getting all cheesy!

Ah, Rose, perk up! You will get your Rapunzel doll one way or another, when the time comes! At least you have a slight advantage that the UK store does not sell out as quickly, plus it is already daylight by the time the dolls are released, yes? I know that the anticipation for Rapunzel is agonizing. I felt the exact same way about my dear Designer Snow White doll! But as we all have seen, our dreams have come true for this week (unless we get the Disney Store e-mails of doom!). Congratulations to everyone here who has overcome this trial! Only 5 more to go!
Rose, don't worry, Moondance is on the case for your wiw Punzy

I guarantee you that I will have her for you. I WILL NOT FAIL YOU > :hug:

OMG Imnotbad--just checked...66 minutes afterwards...

I'm scared about Poci and Punz....D:
yes, yes it does at 1:05 a.m.

I had it in my cart and it's says I got it but now waiting for the email that says Sorry or your item will be shipped.

I really do not want to be up in 4 hours to be at my mall so the doors can open at 7:00 and the actual DS to open at 10:00.

You know, I actually had a life before Disney.
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'Had a life'? You sound like the trollers on World of Warcraft >_>

Although your post WAS funny, it did remind me of the extreme harassment I encountered on WoW.

(offtopic lol)

Congrats, Robyn! She looks 1000 times better in this pic as opposed to the UK website! Oh, and Singing Ariel has reappeared on DS.com, too: http://www.disneystore.com/dolls-toys-singing-ariel-doll-17/mp/1275932/1000259/

I can't believe that Designer Snow White sold out in less than 1 hour (well, I can, but it's still incredible!)... I hope and pray that all of our orders are in the clear! Please, please, please, please, PLEASE!!!!
She is sold out! BUT I hope all of our orders went through! I will feel much better when I get a shipment confirmation and when she finally arrives!

Last thing I need right now is an email saying that they oversold and had to cancel orders. They did this in the past with my vinylmation orders..... errrgh.
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