No reject email yet! but I went to the disney store this morning and I have a story....
I went at 7 am to get to my disney store. I was number 8 in line. This guy let his wife cut ahead but that's okay. It's his wife. So her brother comes in carrying coffee around 9ish and sits with them with his girlfriend . They say "Don't worry, they're not getting one." okay cool.
So 9:45 comes around and they start handing out tickets to the first 10 people in line.
I was number 10.
Except the guy took the ticket and so did his girlfriend.
I was pissed. Everyone behind me was pissed because they KNEW he cut. THEY KNEW. Everyone was telling the Manager but she said "NOTHING I CAN DO"
So I yelled at him while his back was turned (because he didn't want to look at an angry group of people behind him). But he KNEW what I was saying and five people behind me were yelling at him too because they KNEW he cut. Everyone was okay if I got one because Yeah, I waited in line. But yep. Eventually the people said they'd call the cops because I was harassing them but lol I wasn't really.
So totally unfair I'm 100% embarrassed because I've never lost my cool like that before in front of so many people and to complete strangers.... I was just so upset over it because it was just 100% unfair AND THEY LIED TO ME.
But hey no rejection letter yet so HOPEFULLY I GOT
On the bright side I did make friends with the people behind me.

We exchanged contact info and are going to help each other out.