Disney Princess Designer Collection DOLLS --- NOW WITH PICTURES PAGE 3! ---
I can't wait to buy the Rapunzel barbie. My niece can't wait to open it up and play with it all day.
That's weird because the CM I spoke to said it's on the back of the receipt where it says collectible items are non-refundable. I'll double check on some of my DS receiptswhen I get home later.
You are ever so kind as well, darling Rose!!!!!
I'm starting to thin down my PMs finally, you're next!!!!!
Thank you Elle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
S/he's selling it for $200 so I'm not paying that.
The pre-order was only available to D23 attendees.
I guess I am in the minority as I would hate for these not to have the individually numbered COA on the back. I would also not like for them to produce more/have higher LE's as I think it would ruin the collective nature of these dolls. Say there were 12,000-15,000 of each doll and then the dolls just had a basic certificate on the back... they would not be as highly sought after. When we first started talking about these dolls here there were not a ton of us talking about them. Even after Cindy, Ariel and even Belle first came out, still not much talking other than the few of us who had been excited about them the whole time. THEN all of sudden they start selling out and prices go way up. THEN all of a sudden we have more and more people wanting them, reading about them, joining here to talk about them, 50+ guests reading here when it is time for them to be released, etc. The only reason there is this much hype is b/c there is money to be made by some (NOT ALL, don't kill me...lol) and this has generated a ton of interest. I waited for Ariel and Belle early in the morning all alone when they were released. There was nobody else really coming in getting them. It was crazy... we go from that to THIS?! Anyway, sorry to go off topic but there is a reason these are highly wanted and collectible and if they were higher le's or not individually #'d there would not be this hype and so many people wanting them. This is the case with any collectible. I have collected barbies, beanies, boyds bears and Disney stuff as well as my dh collecting sports cards/merchandise. There are things that make an item highly wanted and highly collectible.
Again, I realize this may not be the popular opinion. I always come to this with pins though as well. People get really upset over low LE pins. They miss out on them and they say they wish Disney would have made them a higher LE. I never agree with that. That is not to say I am not upset if I miss them, I AM but to raise the LE size it starts to destroy the collectible nature of the pin and would eventually kill the hobby if we never had any lower LE sizes.
I don't know if I got my Snow White doll. It just says active, not shipped. I KNEW I should have paid for the fast shipping. GRR!!! I will be really upset if I missed her for sure as she was my favorite of the set but even having said that I would not want her to be a higher le size or not be numbered on the COA. I think having collected things since I was really young that kind of stuff really matters.
I do hate what is happening at the stores. I don't want to go and fight with mean and angry people early in the morning at the mall for a doll. It is terrible. I hope they come up with a good solution there for the stores. It is sad that people will act that way and can not be fun for the cm's trying to handle it.
Alright, I will hush now. Don't flame me here, just sharing my opinion on them even if it does differ from the majority.![]()
PM sent
Barbie...you mean the Mattel one? Because if you talk about the Designer doll...its a sin. Poor RapunzelxD
Oh... i feel sadness and justice in your words! I think the same... when the dolls came out 22 August the atmosphere is magic,curious and yes..all notice the doll/dolls he-she likes more (for example: i see Rapunzel on 24-25 August with a photo on flikr for the event,and i fall in love for her)..
With Cinderella (22 August) all goes ok: you want the doll? You order her! Available for all, no troubles.Someone try to sell her on ebay at beginning (The prices are lower...70-90 dollars)...
With Ariel (29 August) all goes ok for 4 days: the dolls is one of most wanted,but for the first 3 days all can order one (or two) and get her. When the words "SOLD OUT" appear on the online stores on Friday on ebay the prices CAME UP AND UP. (100-250 dollars)...
With Belle (5 September) all goes ok and faster: she is famous and with the free shipping labor day she sold out so fast. But its ok, "Normal" business. On ebay the price came up for her (100-250 dollars) and even more for the popular Ariel (300+)
With Mulan (12 September) the situation its "hot": she is less-popular princess but less number LE (6000) and she sold out in 4-5 hours on US online store and about 3 days on UK stores. On ebay she is one of most sell (its evident the evilseller see the dolls is so popular - Ariel for first... 700 dollars is insane..)
With Snow White (19 September) the situation GO CRAZY: In less than 40 minutes all order her online (and the site is crashing and many orders will be deleted)..and MORE AND MORE dolls sell on ebay. The prices go higher for Ariel and her. Mulan is stay similar. Cinderella and Belle is "normal" prices (respect of the others).
20 September 2011: What will happen with the others? Who knows... i jusy say one thing: hope the person who created this post and follow from beginning an passion ,and ALL the TRUE fans or collectors of princesses can get the dolls.![]()
I think 1 per order is a good idea but that's just going to overload the system even more with twice as many orders coming in, assuming that most people probably ordered 2 before and it crashed
I guess I am in the minority as I would hate for these not to have the individually numbered COA on the back. I would also not like for them to produce more/have higher LE's as I think it would ruin the collective nature of these dolls. Say there were 12,000-15,000 of each doll and then the dolls just had a basic certificate on the back... they would not be as highly sought after. When we first started talking about these dolls here there were not a ton of us talking about them. Even after Cindy, Ariel and even Belle first came out, still not much talking other than the few of us who had been excited about them the whole time. THEN all of sudden they start selling out and prices go way up. THEN all of a sudden we have more and more people wanting them, reading about them, joining here to talk about them, 50+ guests reading here when it is time for them to be released, etc. The only reason there is this much hype is b/c there is money to be made by some (NOT ALL, don't kill me...lol) and this has generated a ton of interest. I waited for Ariel and Belle early in the morning all alone when they were released. There was nobody else really coming in getting them. It was crazy... we go from that to THIS?! Anyway, sorry to go off topic but there is a reason these are highly wanted and collectible and if they were higher le's or not individually #'d there would not be this hype and so many people wanting them. This is the case with any collectible. I have collected barbies, beanies, boyds bears and Disney stuff as well as my dh collecting sports cards/merchandise. There are things that make an item highly wanted and highly collectible.
Again, I realize this may not be the popular opinion. I always come to this with pins though as well. People get really upset over low LE pins. They miss out on them and they say they wish Disney would have made them a higher LE. I never agree with that. That is not to say I am not upset if I miss them, I AM but to raise the LE size it starts to destroy the collectible nature of the pin and would eventually kill the hobby if we never had any lower LE sizes.
I don't know if I got my Snow White doll. It just says active, not shipped. I KNEW I should have paid for the fast shipping. GRR!!! I will be really upset if I missed her for sure as she was my favorite of the set but even having said that I would not want her to be a higher le size or not be numbered on the COA. I think having collected things since I was really young that kind of stuff really matters.
I do hate what is happening at the stores. I don't want to go and fight with mean and angry people early in the morning at the mall for a doll. It is terrible. I hope they come up with a good solution there for the stores. It is sad that people will act that way and can not be fun for the cm's trying to handle it.
Alright, I will hush now. Don't flame me here, just sharing my opinion on them even if it does differ from the majority.![]()
Oh.........what will I do if I don't get a Poci?
I'll be devastated :x
Somehow I think it'll end good for me, no one likes Pocahontas that much :\
When I was away in line for Snow white yesterday, someone had the audacity to say Poci wasn't a real princess? *****************!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!***************!!!!!!
Good thing I wasn't there- Someone did my work for me though, hehe, my grandmum told me one of the ladies behind her told her off
I suggested that very idea to my manager. She said as CMs we do not have permission to do that because it violates the guest's privacy. We can only check their IDs to verify their identity for credit card authorizations. However, we have caught many people who try to pay with a credit card, and when asked for an ID, we find out it's not their card, we have not sold any dolls to them!
That's why the company sent us those reserve tickets in case the crowds get out of hand. Yeah, cus that really worked well. However, I did suggest that since there have been so many groups in line that we should be strict in monitoring the lines. Like enforcing holding your place in line and cutting leads to immediate placement in back of the line so that the guests are very aware of their actions. Also, I've asked for more security to monitor the lines.
There are way too many people cutting in line and saving spots for people! I was also thinking that stores should ban groups haha and/or if groups of people do come, count them as ONE GUEST or enforce that households or groups can not line up together!
I really wish I had more say and control, but my power is very limited.We can only stand-by and wait for the company to give us further instructions on how we can handle this mess.
I guess I am in the minority as I would hate for these not to have the individually numbered COA on the back. I would also not like for them to produce more/have higher LE's as I think it would ruin the collective nature of these dolls. Say there were 12,000-15,000 of each doll and then the dolls just had a basic certificate on the back... they would not be as highly sought after. When we first started talking about these dolls here there were not a ton of us talking about them. Even after Cindy, Ariel and even Belle first came out, still not much talking other than the few of us who had been excited about them the whole time. THEN all of sudden they start selling out and prices go way up. THEN all of a sudden we have more and more people wanting them, reading about them, joining here to talk about them, 50+ guests reading here when it is time for them to be released, etc. The only reason there is this much hype is b/c there is money to be made by some (NOT ALL, don't kill me...lol) and this has generated a ton of interest. I waited for Ariel and Belle early in the morning all alone when they were released. There was nobody else really coming in getting them. It was crazy... we go from that to THIS?! Anyway, sorry to go off topic but there is a reason these are highly wanted and collectible and if they were higher le's or not individually #'d there would not be this hype and so many people wanting them. This is the case with any collectible. I have collected barbies, beanies, boyds bears and Disney stuff as well as my dh collecting sports cards/merchandise. There are things that make an item highly wanted and highly collectible.
Again, I realize this may not be the popular opinion. I always come to this with pins though as well. People get really upset over low LE pins. They miss out on them and they say they wish Disney would have made them a higher LE. I never agree with that. That is not to say I am not upset if I miss them, I AM but to raise the LE size it starts to destroy the collectible nature of the pin and would eventually kill the hobby if we never had any lower LE sizes.
I don't know if I got my Snow White doll. It just says active, not shipped. I KNEW I should have paid for the fast shipping. GRR!!! I will be really upset if I missed her for sure as she was my favorite of the set but even having said that I would not want her to be a higher le size or not be numbered on the COA. I think having collected things since I was really young that kind of stuff really matters.
I do hate what is happening at the stores. I don't want to go and fight with mean and angry people early in the morning at the mall for a doll. It is terrible. I hope they come up with a good solution there for the stores. It is sad that people will act that way and can not be fun for the cm's trying to handle it.
Alright, I will hush now. Don't flame me here, just sharing my opinion on them even if it does differ from the majority.![]()
They implemented an online "1 pin per order" limitation last year (for the 1st day), so the logic is already in there for other merchandise - all they would have to do is put in a 1 instead of 2 for the dolls - but I did read there was a logic error for the Snow White release that allowed people to add multiples of 2 to the same order (i.e. add 2, add 2, add 2 - three lines of two dolls) - if that is true, then the extras should be removed from the orders and put back up on the site.
HEY! I have 4 of the dolls, and I've taken them out and played with them- I'm glad to because they are MY dolls and not ANYONE ELSES and I do NOT intend on re-selling these- these are my adorable little ones
My cousin got an Ariel doll that's hidden away for her birthday- if she opens it, I will be infuriated though. She's not the kind of girl that takes good care of her dolls, like I do. She's had 3 Pocahontas dolls this past year, their hair damaged to all heck! My aunt and uncle said they're not going to let her open it--- they better make good on their PROMISE.
At least now I don't feel so bad because I removed the acrylic case of my Belle doll to put back the COA that fell off when I removed it from the shipping box. The back of the acrylic case that has the clips is glued to the front part. I don't think I will be removing her from the box
Pocahontas is the Native American equivalent to a princess. The only 100% non-princess is Mulan- who is a meaningless Chinese woman who is looked down upon in her culture. ): Poor Mulan.
Hi Thank you Mad for Alice ^_^ and yeah I think some people are curious to see the dolls without the acrylic. It was hard to pull off indeed.![]()
I did the same thing to check if she had shoes!
Btw, Welcome![]()