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Disney Store Park Pack 3.0 ALL THREE Limited Edition Mystery Pin Set - Mulan

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Disney Store Park Pack 3.0 ALL THREE Limited Edition Mystery Pin Set - Mulan
I still have all in my set for trade. Looking for various AIW pins. If interested, let me know.

Also, still have Little Mermaid and Fantasia pins from prior packs.

I would possibly be interested in some of your Little Mermaid if you would want to trade for the Snow White box, I haven’t been able to open mine yet as it was shipped to my dad and he’s currently visiting me in Florida!

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So, our of our boxes, we are missing the dark blue mirror pin. Does anyone have one for trade for anything I have to trade? Pinpics is krand1276

Here is a photo of our extras. We have the following for trade from this series:
Dopey: blue gems, green gems (2)
Frame: Snow White, Dwarves, Old Hag
Evil Queen w/Mirror: Teal mirror (4)

Plus some from previous months.

Also, happy to trade any of these to those who need/want them. If my wants don't match up, I'm happy to look at your traders.

Thank you!

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Let me look when I get home... I have the mirror pin you need if you haven’t already traded for it, and I’d be fine with any color of it for my set. I’d like to have either the Snow or Dwarfs frame pin, but will have to check your wants when not in the car(already getting motion sickness), and need to add my trades.

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Here is what I got ! Very happy with Snow and the Dwarves. I had cancelled one of my subscription boxes a few days before Disney halted the sub boxes but I guess that didn’t get processed in time ...

Up for Trade: One Dopey and both Queens if anyone wants to trade for a different color Dopey or a pin not from this set

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Oh my god. That Evil Queen and mirror pin is amazing.
Looking to trade for the Snow White Parks Pack pin.

I have the Old Hag Parks Pack pin for trade.

My pinpics ID is DeputyDonald if you have this Snow White pin to trade but aren’t interested in the Old Hag version.
My whole set will be for trade more than likely, especially if anyone is looking to trade the July box. :3

Here's my bet:
Mermaid Lagoon with color variants,
Scene pin with Peter and Big Ben on the frame
Pirates on the Jolly Roger

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I'd like a pin with the crocodile, please.

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my subscription says next shipment july 29, not june??
It's most likely because your order has already been processed. If you click on the "view details", it'll take you to another screen. At the middle to bottom of that screen, it should tell you if it's processing for this month along with the shipment number.

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There should be a nice Tink pin in the bunch. I'd like that for my niece. Otherwise, all of mine will be for trade.

Here are me guesses

Color Change

Movie Scene
Outer Frame will be Mermaids and Pirates like Fantasia
Scene 1 Sword fight btw Pan & Hook
Scene 2 Tiger Lily with Pan
Scene 3 Lost Boys

Stained Glass
Flight over London with Darling Children
There should be a nice Tink pin in the bunch. I'd like that for my niece. Otherwise, all of mine will be for trade.

Here are me guesses

Color Change

Movie Scene
Outer Frame will be Mermaids and Pirates like Fantasia
Scene 1 Sword fight btw Pan & Hook
Scene 2 Tiger Lily with Pan
Scene 3 Lost Boys

Stained Glass
Flight over London with Darling Children

I was thinking something very similar, but I think they might do tink and animals on the outside of the frame, and maybe put in Hook and Smee instead of Scene 1 or 2
there were some spots open today for the Park Pass and I finally signed up!

Woo hoo! Me too! My wife and I have been wanting a Park Packs Subsciption for years and I’ve been checking daily for a few months. For the first time ever I saw the words “Add to Cart” not grayed out this morning and we immediately added to cart and checked out. Got our confirmation email and everything. I am so excited!
It's most likely because your order has already been processed. If you click on the "view details", it'll take you to another screen. At the middle to bottom of that screen, it should tell you if it's processing for this month along with the shipment number.

Sent from my VS995 using Tapatalk
thank you i just checked and you are right! thanks for explaining : )
I was able to grab a spot today too for the LE Park Pack! Yay, finally! But it looks like I won’t be getting the Pan release unfortunately. My info is saying first shipment won’t go out until late July. I’d definitely be down to buy this coming release though!
Yeah, 24th is the cut off for any current month. But congrats on getting them going forward! There are always plenty for trade and/or sale here so I am sure you will be able to get Pan's if you want them.
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