Disney Tsum Tsum
It's a good thing I dont collect tsum tsumsSneak Peeks of:
Young Judy Hopps and Gill from Finding Nemo
JDS Advent Set, Tinker Bell and Stitch:
Marvel's Ghost Rider and DareDevil:
The current subscription service is ending and they will be replacing it with a new one next year? That's pretty odd. Maybe they wanna restructure how they do things to be similar to other subscription box services like Loot Crate (AKA giving people a limited amount of time to sign up instead of making a limited amount of boxes and randomly restocking them each month).
Anyways, those mega tsums are amazing!
In my opinion, they should move more towards what sub boxes are like today.
Definitely have a tsum tsum in there, but also other goods.
I could see them adding like phone straps, mugs, small pouches, shirts, pens, and other tsum tsum merchandise.
I completely agree! I have actually been wanting a basic Disney subscription box of some kind, so I would totally be down for that.
It would be nice if Disney cancelled the tsum subscription and created a "DisneyStore" one.
It would have an exclusive tsum and sometimes maybe a Funko POP or a vinylmation, or an earhat ornament. Something like that.
But my only issue with something like this is that I seriously don't want anything that is not fro the classic disney movies. Like no tv shows, especially live action ones.
Now THAT I could definitely get behind. I mean don't get me wrong, I like tsum tusms and all, but I would be happier with a standard Disney Store branded subscription box. It could be all exclusive Disney Store items like you pointed out.
Really its pretty surprising Disney hasn't jumped on that idea sooner. Subscription boxes have become a huge success, and both the tsum tsum box and the monthy ornament boxes have been pretty popular since their conception. It just seems like a REALLY good opportunity to get a lot of money.
Possible sneak peeks of upcoming Frontierland and Adventureland tsums:
I want to get some of the Marvel tsums that are currently $1.99 each. But when I added them to my card, they became $5 because of the "buy 2 or more tsums for $5 each"
Anyone else dealing with this problem?