Disney Tsum Tsum
The Maui tsum from the Moana set was also leaked. This is quickly becoming one of my favorite sets.
Really random question here, but what would everyone's "dream" tsum tsum set be? It doesn't necessarily have to be realistic or anything. Mine would be a set based off Kingdom Hearts (as if my avatar and signature didn't give that away). The set would have Sora, Riku, and Kairi in their KH2 attire along with Mickey, Donald, and Goofy their respective looks for the franchise. Maybe even Roxas and Namine would be included along with medium and large tsums of Sora, Riku, and Kairi. It will never happen in a million years, but a guy can dream right?
Did anyone see the Aurora leak? Is it real?
May I know what are these tsum tsums? Why do people collect them? What does it do? No offense to anyone. Im just curious because I notice that they have this line in disney store and I keep on reading about it here.