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Auction Ended: Disneypirates Mystery auction: 12 MINUTES REMAINING

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Auction Ended: Disneypirates Mystery auction: 12 MINUTES REMAINING
Okey doke, I'm changing my bid. Bidding on #3. DSF is on your list, so...

Pin 87691: DSF - Muppet Playing Cards - Gonzo

(Er... I promise it's not a commentary on your auctions.)
Sorry Vixy. What fun is a mystery auction if I tell you what the mystery pins are--at least directly, anyway. I'm just trying to judge where my clues are leading. While I want to make this crazy and fun, I also don't want anybody too far off course. You can PM me if you don't want anybody else to have a hint.
After bringing out my inner Nancy Drew skills I've decided to change my bid, number, and strategy... So new bid, new #,

For número 1

Pin 49884: WDI - Disneyland Attraction Poster - Disneyland Railroad
Pin 80176: WDI - Sorcerer Hats Mystery Pin Collection - Holidays #1 - Jack - o - Lantern
I am bidding TWO (2) Steamboat Willie PODM (that way you can keep one and trade one if you choose)
Now the difficult part is what pin am I going to bid for, I think it will be either #4 or #5 but I cant decide yet.
Eeeeeek!... I know the identity of two, possibly three (I know the character)... However, I'm still confused... I know I changed mine to number 1 but knowing that Mahrii got the best clues makes me want to change my mind.... Lol
Ok, reeaalll dumb question but are people bidding for the mystery pin chosen by me ONLY or are they bidding on two mystery pins (one I chose and one they are gambling) Or are they bidding on ANY mystery pin? I read thread quickly but could not figure it out! Ha! And obviously I need to bid today for at least "one" pin.
Question #1 coming from our contestant Combatdre: "How many clues can one trade for?"
Answer: 1 per person. Gotta give somebody else a fight'n chance
Question #2 coming from our contestant wyllieam:
Answer: There are five mystery pins that players may bid on with one of them (pin #2) being the mystery pin you choose. Players may bid on only ONE of the five pins.
Would love to make a bid, but my english is leaving me down with this auction, don't understand it, or I'm just dumb, lol
:rofl: trust me ... you're probably not alone

That last post reminds me of something like this ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWOn6aQ1EIc

Where even if you DID speak the language, you're going to be asking yourself "what the .... "
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After a lot of pondering last night I'm changing my bid to be on pin #4.

I'll also probably be adding to my bid but I need to sort that out still.
...it's all sort of like the Chalice with the Palace holds the pellet with the poison, but the vessel with the pestle holds the brew that is true. Wait, they broke the chalice with the palace, and replaced it with a flagon, with the figure of a dragon. So the flagon with the dragon holds the pellet with the poison...
:rofl: trust me ... you're probably not alone

That last post reminds me of something like this ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWOn6aQ1EIc

Where even if you DID speak the language, you're going to be asking yourself "what the .... "

:rofl: I'm glad I'm not alone

Is the language in that youtube video German? My neighbour country lol
Ok, I am making my bid for pin #5, hmm crossing fingers.
I am bidding TWO (2) Steamboat Willie PODM (that way you can keep one and trade one if you choose)
Now the difficult part is what pin am I going to bid for, I think it will be either #4 or #5 but I cant decide yet.
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