What do you think the future holds for 17" LE dolls with Jasmine basically being the last in the line of popular princesses previously unreleased? Do you think they'll do a second release, altered from the original, when they release and remaster the films again? We're probably a few years away from Snow White being released again on DVD to give cause for another 17" doll, but do you think it'll happen?
We're running out of princesses and classic movie releases that bring about the dolls. They seem popular enough that Disney will continue to make them. I think we're down to just Pocohontas and Mulan missing from the 17" line, but you can still buy those dvd's and they were released only a few years ago. It's seems unlikely we'll get 17" dolls of them now without a release to cause it, but yet it seems strange they would be completely excluded from the line since they were included in the Designer Princesses and Couples. Would you buy them? I'm not sure if I would. Mulan might look nice, but not sure what they could with the clothing on a classic version of Pocohontas that would appeal to me, and the clothes are big factor for me. I think that's part of the popularity problem with Pocohontas. I know there's a Frozen 2 in the works, but that'll take several years to complete.
There's always talk of Jane, Meg, Esmeralda, etc. dolls, but they've never been done any of the other lines and the movies are still available. They aren't the kind that get the big release from the vault promos. I enjoyed those movies. I'd probably buy the dolls, if they were well made. I think that's a long shot, though. They're just not that popular and have never been included in much of the mainstream marketing. You can always find merchandise for the mainstream princess line up.
I think we can expect 17" live action dolls, like with Cinderella, for any classic characters they make into movies. I'm expecting and hoping for Belle in a couple of years. Other than that, I don't know what to expect. It seems logical for a lot of different things to happen. Part of me would almost be happy for a break from them if they stopped making them. I love them and get so excited to get them, but they are taking over my house, and I collect a lot of other large dolls along with various figures and mass market dolls. I've never sold any and fear I'll be a hoarder if Disney keeps on they way they have been going. I saw one doll collection online that someone had turned their living room into a room full of library shelves of dolls. My first reaction was "cool idea," and then "okay, I've got a problem."