DLP DLP Pin Trading Event 14th Dec. Theme will be...... RAPUNZEL'S CHRISTMAS! Discuss :)
Yayyy Hollie!!!!!! Have loads of fun and get all the tangled stuff and take pictures!!! So us US tangled lovers can ouuu and ahhh too! ^___^im so excited!!!!!!!! only a few weeks!!!!
Yayyy Hollie!!!!!! Have loads of fun and get all the tangled stuff and take pictures!!! So us US tangled lovers can ouuu and ahhh too! ^___^
Ugh I am so sorry for all those that missed out.
I was tempted to call and get tickets to resell at cost here on the forum in case this happened but was worried I would end up out of pocket because no one would want them. Regretting it now !
So sorry vickichip :/
We should organize a DPF meetup afterwards so at least you could meet tons of us and have a good time !!!!
(Seriously I'd love this so we should so do this haha)
Someone on FB is selling tickets for 90 € (he has 40 tickets he says) ... this is disguisting :shock:
Hmm, this guy now says it was a joke that he wrote that, but that there is someone who actually got 50 tickets.
Agree for a meet too !
Depending on how many we are, we could organize this at Annet's on the evening. What do you think ? Some would be in ?
YES Annette's would be awesome, and I would love love love to come. I'm in. Should we make a thread to see if others would be interested ?