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Docfish2u's DPF Buttons caught up, anybody else?

Docfish2u's DPF Buttons caught up, anybody else?
Here is the latest batch. I did some that are not dpf so that you can see what else I can do with them.

Received my button today! I love it! Thanks so much David!

I can't wait to wear it on my next WDW trip!

I am probably the only person in America that didn't know where Glitch Pride came from :facepalm: I can make more if anybody wants them.
I am probably the only person in America that didn't know where Glitch Pride came from :facepalm: I can make more if anybody wants them.
Really? That's too funny..
i love anything wreck it Ralph haha. I would love one but the problem is my traders are 0! Haha
Her online posts don't do her justice!!! She is like the annoying little sister that always wants to hang out with the older sibling. :poke:
Somebody's got hold you colostomy bag old man. Yo Nettiejeanie MONTANTA? poop stains, when is this going down? hey can you get to anehiem in early dec...ill be there with fart face (david) then.
Ouuu I would like one too!!!!

Name: melissa

Dpf id: colorwindpainter

Favorite character: Pocahontas ( I can email you the pic I have in mind)

Font style/ color: you can use your best judgement, I just want it to fit the Pocahontas theme please.

Email: mel.nicolosi@yahoo.com

P.s. we're already making a trade for the toy story pin if we can figure out something else you'd want for these pins I can add it to your package when I send them out on Saturday. Thank you.