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DSF At-Cost Pickups

DSF At-Cost Pickups
Lists updated.

And time for the drawing!

The RNG really liked the number 2 today! Congrats to MerlinEmrys and Disneylandforever!
Oh how exciting!! stay tuned for a pm from me, cause I have some pins for you too! :3

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Your amazing, Tessa! Thank you so much for what you are doing. I am so happy and I didn't even win!!! LOL Congratulation to all the winners!!
Thank you again for everything.

Can I please add a Nutsy to the list if available?
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Merlin - *headtilt*

The lists have been updated with requests. I'll be sending out pms with payment information later for those whose orders are complete and haven't requested additional pins. If you have confirmed pins from me but have requested other pins, I'm waiting until I have your full order to settle up so don't worry if you don't hear from me just yet.

Availability update: Dug and Max have sold out, haven't seen any other sell-out notices.
Pickup update: I went back after work yesterday and got one of my reserved Nutsys and a marquee for AshleyV. I forgot to grab a Rapunzel for kairi08 so I will get one the next time I go.

Availability update: Pirate Dog PTD sold out yesterday before I could get there, so unfortunately I won't be able to do pickups for those.
Thanks for trying for the Pirate dog and for getting the Rapunzel OE when you go next! I was wondering if I could also request for the John Smith Ptd assuming he's still there when you go. Again, thank-you so much for your service!!
Thanks for your efforts on trying for to pick-up for the membership. We appreciate what you have been doing. Thank you again.
Pickup update: I picked up kairi's Rapunzel OE and John Smith PTD yesterday. The last few days I've picked up the Nutsys I needed plus an additional one (I hung out with one of the people I reserved a spot for today and we each got one, so I can pass the one I got yesterday for her onto the list), so the ones I got today goes to sismelis.

Availability update: The marquee sold out yesterday morning so I am unable to do further pickups of that pin. Little Brother has also sold out.

Nutsy list is updated.
All orders that have been paid for have been mailed, and you should have received a pm with tracking info. Please let me know if you did not get it.

Availability update: DSF announced two surprise release pins today for Snow White - another poster and a marquee. You may put in requests for these, but I do not know how quickly they will sell out, especially since the marquee is 2 per person. I am reserving the pins from my visit today for myself (assuming there are any left by the time I can get there this evening).
Hi! If another Marquee is available I'd like to throw my hat in on that one. I assume it will be gone before you can pick up extras, but it's worth a shot
I jumped the gun a bit, I apologize. I missed the note where the marquee was on presale in store for today only, so I will be taking down the marquee from availability. The poster will still be open for orders, though.

bookhugger - yep, the marquee is a pre-order.
Availability update: The surprise release poster from yesterday sold out about half an hour before I got there, so I am unable to do pickups for that.

Pickup update: got teddy_ruxpin's Nutsy.

Regarding the Best Picture pin set - They had the rules out yesterday for Saturday's release. They are allowing 2 per person again, so I will do what I did for the dog release. I will accept requests for the pins; I will hold a random drawing for the extras I can get from the release, and anyone who doesn't get one from that will be put into the normal queue in request order.

For those who want WALL-E - I will accept names in case it lasts past the release, but if it sells out during the release I won't have any extra to offer here. (I have a pre-trade set up with one and will be holding on to the second one).
I'll put my name in the bucket for Wall-E and Big Hero 6 thanks so much for doing this. :3 I feel like I now have a fighting chance for these DSF pins! You're incredible.

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The random drawing lists are updated to here. I added people who requested previously in thread; if you no longer want to be in the drawings or would like to be added or removed from any of the pins, please let me know so I can update the lists accordingly.

Availability update: the Dogs release Bolt has also sold out.
Yay thank you ! thank you for doing this to help everyone out , i could never even dream of owning these pins without your amazing help !
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Please put my name in for the Up Best Animated Feature pin. Thanks!

ETA: You already did! You're the best!
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Could I be added to all of the lists for the Best Picture Pins? (Getting any of them would be awesome!)
Can you put me on the list for Big Hero 6, Up, and Brave?

Also, IF there is a surprise release of Frozen and IF you have one available, can you put me on said list?