It seems there is a gradual increase of WiR collectors, rather than a huge influx. Which is useful for current collectors of the theme. I'm new to it, but only collecting one character from the movie is better for me as I already am trying to be a completist of Phantom Manor, and those pins can be rare and expensive.
Is it really going to be that long till DSF posts the flyer?
Oh and if DS UK releases any more WiR pins I could get them for you, for a trade or whatever.Dunno if they will release any more, but ya never know.
Yeah, WiR wasn't too hyped up by many Disney fans since it really was out to target video game lovers and it doesn't seem like Disney-fanatics and video game lovers are on in the same (many love both, but not all). For this reason not all Disney fans have seen the film but once they do (generally on DVD after it comes out) they regret seeing it so late as they realize what they missed out on and they join the bandwagon (really late too) >_<
I originally was only going to collect Sugar Rush related things, but then realized I also wanted to collect Felix/Calhoun pins as well so really that only left Ralph himself out and how could I not collect the title character so one thing led to the next and...now I'm collect all WiR pin (except jumbos of course).
It looks like DSF is REALLY pushing this because it is really late at this point, weeks later than usual and thank you Lady Dobbins! They did release 1 WiR pin already and they are bound to release more in the future so I cannot wait for those![]()
Yeah, I only watched it recently for the first time. I did want to watch it at the cinema but didn't... for some reason... hmm. lol. The fact its about video games, and has a villain with an actual backstory makes me like the movie more. Maybe eventually DPF will have enough WiR fans to start a group on here.
And no problem.Happy to help out.
I love WiR, I think it was the best animated film of 2012, but there's no way I'd even attempt to try to collect WiR pins. I see what you guys go through and I have enough frustration with my Ariel and Lion King collections, so I'm going to leave WiR to you guys.
I think DPF does have a decent number of WiR fans, but I think it'll take more time until more people see the movie and realize just how good it is ^_^
Honestly, I don't know how I feel about a group. At one point, it's awesome to talk with so many other big WiR fans who all love the movie. On the bad side, it means there are a bunch of fans to nab up the pinslol why can't something just be black-and-white all positive?
I love WiR, I think it was the best animated film of 2012, but there's no way I'd even attempt to try to collect WiR pins. I see what you guys go through and I have enough frustration with my Ariel and Lion King collections, so I'm going to leave WiR to you guys.
Look at the recent Ariel PTD, while the price of that pin pales to Rapunzel or Pascal, she easily beats Vanellope and King Candy...don't know if that's a good thing or not.
I'm just glad the King Candy PTD isn't too expensive compared to some others. Its the only PTD I need. Unless one day they decide to bring out a Hitchhiking Ghost PTD but I doubt it.
I don't think they ever will. DSF only makes PTDs of characters in movies they have shown at El Captain Theatre and I don't think any movie with the Hitchhiking Ghost has ever been there so you're good on that front. The only reason the King Candy DSF pin is so expensive in all honesty is because it was LE150 and because it was a surprise release so that hyped it up a bit. No Vanellope pin is going that high and I'd go out on a limb to say she's more popular than he is.
Well there is going to be a new Haunted Mansion movie at some point, but I doubt its going to be animated. lol
I'm getting closer to saving up enough cash to maybe buy the surprise pin, I've been selling off my traders... wasn't finding many high-end trades with them. I'm still hoping to maybe trade for the PTD though.
I'm gonna try and be a WiR completist once I finish off Bolt! I've got Felix & Kind Candy PTD so far!
I heard about the movie and I'm quite excited, I really hope the movie is just flat out dark with little comedy, like the 1st PotC that made it so amazing.
Honestly, I'd focus on the surprise pin to if I were you. It is by far the nicest King Candy pin out of the 3 (surprise, mystery, PTD) and if WiR ever becomes ridiculously huge, it will be one of the major grail pins so it's a good goal![]()
I'm gonna try and be a WiR completist once I finish off Bolt! I've got Felix & Kind Candy PTD so far!
Yeah I think its going to be scarier, from what I've heard. lol.
Thanks, yep, I thought it was a good idea, I'm just hoping I'll come across a trade for the PTD at some point. But that surprise release is such an awesome pin!
I hope it is actually borderline if not definitely suspense/horror/thriller or anywhere in between, just please don't let me be rated PG or lower >_<
And the PTD is attainable, keep in mind it is inflated with the whole PTD craze, if that craze ever dies out then it'll drop in price (maybe not drastically, but it will).
As for the July DSF Flyer, YES!!!!!! I was so beside myself at the possibility of a WiR BT and I'm so relieved it isn't next month, maybe August or maybe not, but it isn't next month ^_^
Not sure what the rating will be, but Del Toro said it will be scary.
Yeah, I'm hoping to get a trade for the PTD soon, someone seemed interested in trading it. (EDIT: Nope, fell through.)
And yep! Looks like no WiR pin for a while at DSF. That means I have more time to get the King Candy pins!
I made a thread to buy the Surprise Release, but this could take a while till someone actually has it for sale. lol.
Patience is key with hard pins so it never hurts to make a thread way in advance. You never know when a new member might join, happen to have the pin, and PM you. That's just happened with me for the Jessica and Belle Stitch Valentine pin![]()
I love that lanyard that Wyllieam made but since I'm collecting all WiR, not just King Candy, I think it might look better on a different lanyard. Plus, since there are only 3 King Candy pins out now, that would be a barren lanyard :lol: but for future reference (since there will no doubt be more King Candy pins in the future), it's a good investment![]()
That's what I was thinking, once more King Candy pins come out the lanyard would be perfect for the pins. There's just so many awesome pins they could make of this guy. lol.
EDIT: Ahhhhhh! I just bought the Surprise Release!![]()
AHHHH! Congrats finally! Now you only have 2 other pins to find, 1 of which definitely doesn't sell for more than $20 and the other being $50 max. Together the 2 are cheaper than the Surprise release haha
I know! And thanks! The mystery pin is hopefully on its way already too.Its totally Turbo-tastic!
Okay how many opportunities am I going to find to say that phrase?![]()