Thanks Matt! :hug: I think I'm good now! I thought Erika was getting one though?? Best of luck obtaining your remaining pins!I think I managed to find a Vanellope as well but if anyone has another Vanellope please let me know, there are many WiR fans out there (disneycrazee and crushedbubbles both being WiR completionists) who need her I believe so I'd love to help them out as well ^_^
I just posted a thread selling all kinds of wir
What's the Ralph pin worth? I'll have to keep an eye out for it... See if I can't help if I can make it down to the park on Sunday
The bane of my pin collection right now lol xD I need this one...seriously considering putting it on my siggy :facepalm: Oh well, patience is a virtue.
I have an extra for trade, but I couldn't find anything in your trades I'm looking for. Sorry.
I have an extra ralph in the soldier suit pin. Not much off of your trades list unfortunately.