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DSF/DSSH DSSH Surprise Releases

Just saw this so i read its like $125 for a mystery bag of five pins, but the pins have been previously released? So then are these pins that have been sitting at the store that no one purchased but were available or do they keep the pins that people don't buy on release day somewhere secret? Been so long since my trip to DSF
Reactions: Ajk
I'm thinking two possibilities - Pins that they sold online (or at D23) but didn't sell out or/and AP versions of pins that did sell out. (They had the latter on the boards at their event yesterday.) I don't think they sell any LEs in the store any longer other than PTDs. And I guess it is possible they have some of those that they may have taken down to do a flip perhaps.
Not thinking greedily, but hopefully they shove all the 3 current PTDs into those mystery packs so we can see a flip… if they don’t, then it doesn’t seem like we’ll see new PTDs anytime soon as they still have all available. But of course, hope you guys get something decent as well.
They had an event yesterday?
I haven't done a trading event at DSF in yeeeears. I don't like seeing movies at El Cap because the steep stairs/seats freak me out/give me vertigo, and the one hour trading just doesn't justify the price for me. The last time I went it was inside the lobby and it was so hot and so cramped and just not very much fun. When do ya'll receive the mystery bags? I can't wait to see what you all get!!
I’m out of town this week so I wasn’t able to attend Tuesday’s trading night, but my friend snagged us tickets for the April trade event. The same friend also snagged two of the mystery bags for me yesterday while I was working in the field, so I should (hopefully) have lots of exciting new pins in the near future!
Please post pics! I need to live vicariously through y’all since I’m in pin jail right now.
People have started receiving their grab bags. Lots of Eternals double pin sets, Marvel ice cream cones, Strange World, Black Panther 2, Artemis Fowl, Ant Man, Encanto doors, etc. I've seen a handful of the Halloween villain pumpkins and various D23 pins like D+ show icons and pizza boxes. One Avatar marquee and one AP Turning Red spinner pin. No PTDs spotted yet.

So basically about 95% of pins from releases from the last two or three years that were so unpopular they haven't sold out.

I haven't gotten my bags yet but I'm not hopeful.

Dang! I'm nervous to open mine!
Reactions: Ajk
Just posted a picture of mine in the mail thread. Got seven pins and some are okay so not overly upset. Although a BT, DT, or CC would have been nice.

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SW pins too!​

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