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Ebay Frustrations/Question

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Ebay Frustrations/Question


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The other night I found a listing for the Eat Me, Drink Me Alice in Wonderland pins that were just released that was ending that day and was considerably cheaper than those listed with a BIN option. Feedback was 100% positive so I decide what the heck and bid.

I win, yay! Ending only a minute behind are two more auctions from the same seller: the "lose something" and the Alice logo pin. I was able to snag both for $12 each - a steal! I was incredibly happy and sent an email to request combined shipping. The response I got made me uneasy - that the seller was planning on shipping them all separately so they didn't scratch, but if I was willing to take full responsibility for any damage they could be sent in one package. Hmmm...I told them that was fine, send it separate - although I was starting to think that the seller was annoyed that the pins sold for half of the BIN prices out there (and maybe even under the retail?)

Now it's a few days later and I receive this email:

Hello. I'm very VERY sorry. (more for me than for you) because my girlfriend apparently threw out my pins while cleaning our apartment last weekend. Not only have I lost these, but two unopened mystery boxes that were currently up for auction. I've issued a full refund via paypal and am sorry this happened. I hope you can find the pins elsewhere.

:( I did receive my full refund but I'm kinda bummed...and I can't say I completely believe the story - is it just me? I understand things happen, but this just seems odd! This has never happened to me before so I'm also wondering if I should leave feedback for this person at all.

Edit: This is by no means a blast at the seller, more venting frustration and wondering about the feedback situation!
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That...sux! To me it sounds like they didn't want to sell the pins for that amount. I would not be surprised to see this seller put these pins back up for auction shortly. I would wait and see if they do that. If they do, then I would pop them with negative feedback.
That...sux! To me it sounds like they didn't want to sell the pins for that amount. I would not be surprised to see this seller put these pins back up for auction shortly. I would wait and see if they do that. If they do, then I would pop them with negative feedback.

That's what I was waiting for. I had assumed they were trying to make up for some of the cost by charging me for 3x the shipping, but I'm thinking they realized they didn't make enough money
Yeah, sounds a bit far fetched to me. It isn't like this is a pre-sale and they couldn't get the pins for some reason. They were supposed to have the pins in hand and it is pretty tough to believe that they got thrown away....I'd be tempted to leave negative feedback. I think these things do happen when the pin doesn't bring in what people expected. Packages tend to get "lost" when that happens too. Sorry that happened. :( I'm sure you will be able to find those at decent prices. I'd be much more upset if it involved the mystery pins.
Save your emails and if the pins do pop up -- contact Ebay.

Thanks! I'll do that :)

I've been hesitant in leaving negative feedback (in any instance) because the account I use is shared with my boyfriend and used to occasionally sell - so I don't want to get some spiteful negative in return, especially considering we only have about 50 feedback.

Erudolf - I'm very glad I hadn't bid on the mystery boxes they had up as well! When I had last seen them listed they were at roughly $17. I just checked now and it looks like they ended the listings early. I always like to give people the benefit of the doubt and maybe, just maybe they were thrown away - but I'm finding it hard to believe that someone would throw away items still in their packages, especially when they went out of their way to stand in line for hours with the intent on turning a profit.
the seller can't leave you a negative they only have the option of leaving you a positive feedback or no feedback. Only the buyer has the option to leave positive, neutral, or negative feedback
Thanks! I'll do that :)

I've been hesitant in leaving negative feedback (in any instance) because the account I use is shared with my boyfriend and used to occasionally sell - so I don't want to get some spiteful negative in return, especially considering we only have about 50 feedback.

Buyers cannot get Negative feedback from Sellers anymore, just so you know :)
I say you have two options. Contact the seller and state you will leave negative feedback for each item and state the reason so they will think about doing it again while they find what they said they lost be sent out asap! Or, since you made a binding contract and it states on eBay that you did on your end - state that you will take them to small claims court in your city where the contract was made. He is responsible to give the same item and condition at current market replacement value. Print eBay auction actual buys for court purposes.

Make your case to him and if you do not get your pins. Leave negative feedback because eBay sellers live off that score!
Thanks! Didn't know that either :)

On a side note I just realized: the seller told me yesterday that they were going to pack the pins separately so they didn't scratch. Sounds like they already had the pins in hand as we were discussing combined shipping. And then a day later they suddenly realize that the pins are gone? Hmmm

I'll just wait until I get a little more money and pay the average asking price next time to avoid getting burned again. For the most part eBay and its pin sellers have been very good to me! :)
I think she was trying to say that if the person were truly vindictive, they could buy something from her other half and then leave a negative just to spite her.
I think she was trying to say that if the person were truly vindictive, they could buy something from her other half and then leave a negative just to spite her.

I actually thought that eBay still had that old policy that both buyers and sellers could leave feedback - it's been quite a while since I've been up to date on eBay policies LOL But that's also something I didn't consider :)
but if you do not take care of this now, you give him the option to do it again and no one would know this had happen now, prior and future listings. Been there done that. If you stay quiet they will be listed again maybe in a few month but they will or like some sellers, they have two accounts just for this type of actions if they do the eBay thing. It's a business. Not brick and morter but online. If you did not pay him, I guarentee he would put a strike on your name. He's not a friend - it's just business. If this happen at a real store, you would call the manager and at the end you would get a replacement and call the BBB. The Better Business Bearue. The would keep details like this in their files.
I actually thought that eBay still had that old policy that both buyers and sellers could leave feedback - it's been quite a while since I've been up to date on eBay policies LOL But that's also something I didn't consider :)

You can block people from bidding on your auctions so in the unlikely event that actually happened it isn't really a concern.
the seller can't leave you a negative they only have the option of leaving you a positive feedback or no feedback. Only the buyer has the option to leave positive,neutral, or negative feedback
I have quite a few Tinks that you are looking for and you have same in your trades that I need . Most of mine are on the cards .
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That's what I was waiting for. I had assumed they were trying to make up for some of the cost by charging me for 3x the shipping, but I'm thinking they realized they didn't make enough money

Ebay is changing the rules again to prevent sellers from doing this, as they are starting to pay fees on shipping costs as well. There were other genres that ruined it by charging $1 BIN for a $500 item, and then charging $499 for shipping.
E-bay frowns on sellers that do this. (What's the point of an auction if the sellers won't send items that they don't like the price they got) You can report them to E-bay as a non-preforming seller. (for selling then refunding an item they couldn't deliver). If they get too many they won't be able to sell anymore. It may keep them from pulling that on other people.
I feel your pain, I purchased the Alice event Jumbo for a pretty decent price, and have not received it. When I contacted the seller, he says it must be lost in the mail. I do understand that that there is a possibility that this is true, only thing is that when I read his neutral and negative feedback almost everyone says seller claimed the same thing. Some buyers even mentioned that he sent them a replacement item that somehow also managed to get "lost in the mail". Personally, I think he's unhappy with the price it sold for so is making up some crap.
Pixie-did the seller not ship with delivery confirmation? I would definitely be filing a claim with paypal, if he doesn't produce a tracking number showing it has been delivered, you are eligible to get all your money back, but you only have so many days to do this (I think 45).

I've been selling on ebay since 1996 (used to sell dolls back in the day) and it's so frustrating to hear of so many horror stories. I typically list everything at a fixed price with a best offer option to protect myself from items not going for a normal amount. It's just so frustrating to see how many of you are getting taken advantage of. I would definitely be telling these sellers that you plan to leave negative feedback, it's amazing how quickly people will straighten up when they know the buyer is seriously taking action against them. Sorry you guys are having issues!
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