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ebay seller arrested today and scrappers off the streets.

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ebay seller arrested today and scrappers off the streets.
wow,hope this is a lesson for others out there doing the same thing.ive seen a lot of those scrapper pins shown at the park on cms,i had even traded for afew only to find out later that they were scrap.good i hope this puts a stop to all the scrappers going around.
This is so unbelievable. I'm glad they got them. I'm just shocked by how many fakes they had! It really puts into perspective how many of them are out there. Yikes!
I am glad this has taken in control! Hopefully the many other people who sell scrappers will read this and quit selling freakin scrappers!! SOOOOO FRUSTRATING!!

They probably won't, unless they have similar offense histories. Like, realistically this is one dude out of dozens of domestic dealers. And nobody'll touch the actual Chinese wholesalers that are on eBay or that stuff our inboxes with personal offers.
WOW! This is great to hear! I am dying to know the guys EBAY ID.

BEST NEWS Since Osama got killed!

Ebay Scrapper sellers BEWARE! YOU WILL BE NEXT!
You have been warned!
I did a bit of searching on Craigslist in the OC and LA areas. Usually I see a scrapper/fake seller in there selling for $1.00 a piece. I think it might be him because I see those listings at least every couple of days. But now they are completely gone. Not one listing to be found. If you have ever done some pin searching on Craigslist in the So Cal area I am sure you have seen them.

You guys think it could be the culprits?
Good job cops. Now lets get the rest of the bad guys. One thing sad about this. Is we now get to see just how bad this is. If these 2 old bad guys are able to get this scam going. Than for sure there are lots more ppl doing this and i bet these 2 are the small fish. The good part is the FBI and ICE, knows who was making the pins. The goal has to be to cut snakes head off. Not the tail. So they will now shut one maker down. Hope that puts the fear in the other makers. PPl will always want a easy way out. Just got to stop that easy rd. And this is a good start.. Score 1 for the good guys.

I am so glad to see that there is a start in the crackdown on the scrappers. I doubt others will stop selling their pins, as most of them are probably operating under the assumption that "it won't happen to me." All we can do is hope that in the future more and more of these shipments will be stopped.
I hope Disney has these two pieces of human garbage banned from the parks (meaning, they have given security photos of them in case they try to get into the parks), especially since they are out on bail. I hope they are financially ruined, and that the rapist/kidnapper gets an especially long sentence in prison. Good riddance to bad rubbish. I don't know them by name, and I sure hope that I've never traded with them. Disney needs to be consistent and keep cracking down on these criminals.

So these guys were sending the "legit" pins to China to be copied!? Ya' think Disney may have been behind tipping the "agencies" off about these guys?? It would be nice to think that Disney had been noting all of our reports regarding parties selling the scappers.

However, I do agree with Niknaxx. Most of your questionable sellers work under the It-won't-happen-to-me-assumption.
So based on a previous poster's info that he/she had friends who knew these people and traded pins with them, does anyone else wonder if these guys were members of this or other pin trading forums?

Probably. If doing this was my job and I made a lot of money at it, I'd do as much research as possible. The forums are great for info and see what people want.
Things like this make me realize just how creepy and low some people are, but on the flip side, makes me thankful for all the good people on forums like this.
Wow! Glad they caught these guys. And I hope the DA goes after third strike, given his previous offenses!
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