Fraud Trading Alert!!
He just messaged me tracking info, and had the gall to tell me that I better quit calling him dishonest because if he was dishonest he wouldn't be sending my pin back...
Umm... the supposed reason he said he is sending my pin back is because he needs to sell the one he was going to trade me...? Well that's a pretty impressive trick if he had actually mailed my original package out. I really hope he makes good on his word and sends everyone back their pins.
Fraud Trading Alert!!
Everyone please be careful trading in Vegas over the mail!!
Please PM me for Person(s) name
He trades than blocks you!
Worst of all he sends empty envelopes!
If you have traded with him do not open the package under any conditions, take the un-opened package to your local police department explain the situation than ask them you file a report, let the police open the package so that it’s in the report that it arrived empty and not allegedly empty. This is illegal mail fraud and the more record there are the more of a chance he/she can get into legal problems
Hi Ozzie,
Thanks for the warning. I wanted to go to the postoffice today to send 2 pins from the Rapunzel Christmas pinevent from Paris. Glad I did not.