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Frozen Disney Store Merchandise, What are you looking forward to? (Contains Spoilers)

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Frozen Disney Store Merchandise, What are you looking forward to? (Contains Spoilers)
I'll sort of agree with you there. The background is missing that sort of extra "oomph" at times. I didn't realise the WoC version was remixed. The really got me and I assumed it was the footage. Perhaps not. Must re-listen.

I should also note that I haven't listened to Lavato's version at all, so there's no comparison for me outside of the live version.

I often hear people feel Idina's voice is too deep for what they expect Elsa to sound like. I'm not sure I'm one of them.
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I don't mean to sound offish but it does sound kind of silly saying that singer playing that character... She sounds like that singer! Kinda guessing that was why was cast ;) I see what everyone is saying but look at James woods his voice is unique you can identify him in anything he plays animated or otherwise. From the moment hades speaks you know that is James woods! Yet due to the awesome animating and voice acting you can completely believe that's hades. I feel the same of Elsa from all the speaking and singing clips I've seen her voice fits, from what I've seen of let it go from various promo clips the facial expressions and movement of the character blend with the power house voice. I love this version I can't stop replaying it.
Comparing the WoC clip (granted not the best quality) to the website version (ditto), I'd actually say it's a mostly, if not completely different recording, much less mix. The tempo is a lot faster, and it's more upbeat at parts that sound closer to a ballad on the site version. Hence the differing impacts. The added instrumentals help too. It's sort of like listening to "Under the Sea" in the movie versus the album. All the source bits excluded really change the feel. It might not even sound like this in the film.
i just recieved my LE frozen elsa doll. She was sold at the french website by mistake on the 11th november, i almost missed her because i didn't know and woke up late but she was still online , so got it.


Wow, wow, wow!!! Can't wait for tomorrow really hope to get her :D.

After looking at her for a while I realized she doesn't have a widows peak though Disney stock photos clearly show her with one. Not so happy about that. Could that be consider a defect? Wander if some will have it and maybe some not. On the other hand I'm very happy with her shoes. VERY Happy!
You know what I just realised ?
I think that one of the reasons I don't like let it go is her voice. Idina is a super talented person and I am not denying it at all - but i feel like it's a weird pitch and not high enough for my liking.
An when you see the beautiful art work for Elsa I just think that idina's voice didn't match what I was expecting/my personal taste.

Totally agree with you!
Guess I'm getting Subway for Lunch :lol:

Our village is too small to have one so I'm trying to convince my parents they want a kiddie meal for lunch ;) luckily I got my little sister into frozen and she goes to college that has a subway. She told me she has no problem attempting to eat six ! XD
Our village is too small to have one so I'm trying to convince my parents they want a kiddie meal for lunch ;) luckily I got my little sister into frozen and she goes to college that has a subway. She told me she has no problem attempting to eat six ! XD

Subway is my fav food xD! Luckily Lincoln has 2 so Im gonna try convince my boyfriend we should have it for lunch :lol: He already said no though xD
I dont think thats the movie version...it doesnt sound right like the background music isnt powerful enough! I truly hope the movie version is more like the WoC version because im also dissapointed if that's the movie version :(

Idina is perfect though xD
http://www.flickr.com/photos/68105287@N03/with/10849282214/. Here's drj1828 Flickr photostream again. Love this site. The details on expensive set are gorgeous. I wonder if Anna ($100 set) will have the pantaloons or was that exclusive to the Harrod's ed? After seeing one pic, I finally get what they were doing with Anna's hair--not really a ponytail. From frontal pics, it always looked like a skinny ponytail. Not really excited about getting up at 2:45 am tomorrow morning, seeing as I have work, but I really want Anna.
You can really start to see the differences in the dolls, can't wait for tomorrow so we can see how the LE100 compare to the LE2500. That is a collection to be jealous of though!
Thankyou for sharing the pictures everyone!!

Ahh I also finished the sequin bodice on my custome Elsa :D

Good ol' gem tac, but the sides and bottom are sewn on instead of stuck to allow more 'flex'
Thankyou for sharing the pictures everyone!!

Ahh I also finished the sequin bodice on my custome Elsa :D

Good ol' gem tac, but the sides and bottom are sewn on instead of stuck to allow more 'flex'

I love it!!!! what kind of sequins are they theyre perfect ^_^
Thankyer :)

Jennisney they are 'cornflower blue square iridescent sequins 8mm' that I cut into 3 strips to make thin ones, I got them off ebay :D
My hubby bought Alice and QoH!! They arrived today! I didnt know he had already purchased them! Now I'm ready for a long night for my Frozen sisters and I will have "my cake and eat it too" :-)..all the dolls I need..for right now lol
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My hubby bought Alice and QoH!! They arrived today! I didnt know he had already purchased them! Now I'm ready for a long night for my Frozen sisters and I will have "my cake and eat it too" :-)..all the dolls I need..for right now lol

Congrats on getting them! That is so exciting and was very nice of your husband! I am so glad that you decide to go with Alice and QoH instead of the Harrods Frozen set! Good luck with tonight!!
I keep hearing rumors that LE Anna in snow outfit may come out with blu-ray release. How certain are we of that? If that is the case I will wait for that Anna to come out and skip this one. But if not, I do want this one.
I keep hearing rumors that LE Anna in snow outfit may come out with blu-ray release. How certain are we of that? If that is the case I will wait for that Anna to come out and skip this one. But if not, I do want this one.

Nothing is confirmed yet as everyone is just speculating at the moment, the likelihood is high based on historical releases by Disney but nothing is official yet nor has anyone actually seen anything that would justify this information being true. So to be safe I would say definitely get one tonight as there is always the chance that the Snow Gear Anna may not be released at all. Besides i'm sure you could just sell the coronation one later down the track should the Snow Gear Anna come to fruition.
Congrats on getting them! That is so exciting and was very nice of your husband! I am so glad that you decide to go with Alice and QoH instead of the Harrods Frozen set! Good luck with tonight!!

Thank you! Thank you! I'm very happy they're mine now:-) I hate he got them off ebay but I know there were limited dolls still available:-/... if online is not successful I will definitely beat the sun getting to my Disney store to get one of the four sets they have...I dont drink coffee but I might need to make an exception tonight lol bc there are less than 2500 available already but hopefully its not too much of a fight!
Hey, i'm new here. I've been lurking this thread for probably the past month. I saw an early screening two weeks ago and cried a lot because of how much I relate to Elsa. So I've been collecting all the Elsa merch I can get, with some Anna here and there. Anyway, I am trying to get the LE Elsa doll tonight, but I have a question to people who have ordered LE dolls off the US site before. Does the free shipping on orders over $75 work on LE dolls? If so, I'd want to throw a Frozen Big Golden Book in the order to take advantage of that. And it would be pretty great to not waste precious moments trying to see if it works and then taking the big golden book out of my cart if it doesn't give me the shipping. Thank you! Good luck to everyone!
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