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SOLD! Help me Wind Up some Cogsworth! (Updated 2/7)

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SOLD! Help me Wind Up some Cogsworth! (Updated 2/7)


Hicitus Pinicus!
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Hey gang!

Now that many of my collections (Sword in the Stone, Magic Carpet Ride, Scrooge) have reached critical mass--meaning what's left is ridiculously hard to come by--I've toyed with the idea of picking up a tiny side collection, just to keep the pin mail a-flowin'. I've always thought that a collection would present itself once I found its centerpiece. And with the advent of the Beauty and the Beast mystery box last Thanksgiving, I finally had my answer. :3

I've had a few of these pins for a while as Cogsworth has always been super special to me. I played him in my high school production of BatB (#nailedit), and he's hands down my favorite part of that movie. Like, it's not even a contest. Ranking the characters, Cogsy would take places 1-3. Not to mention, his voice actor, David Ogden Stiers, also did the opening narration for BatB, so he's basically a storyteller. (I can keep going. I have plenty of reasons to justify this with.)

Anywho, now that I have the centerpiece and people are just tossing around BatB pins at the moment, I figured it was as good a time as any to enter the fray. :3 Thankfully, I want to focus most closely on solo Cogsworth, though him with Lumiere is fine, or the other servants. But I don't think I'll go down the rabbit hole of anything with Belle on it (other than a few). Most specifically, I have my eye out for unique poses, as there are TONS of pins of him all in the same pose. So, for the most part, once I hit that pose I can basically pass on repeats. With those caveats, there are mercifully few Cogsy pins out there, and even less that will break the bank (though a few surely will try...that darn PTD...).

So, after combing pinpics, here's Cogsworth's first grail banner!

If you have any of these for trade, or spot them somewhere, or any other Cogsy pins!, please let me know. :3 I'm excited to re-live my musical theatre days with this guy!

Thanks ever so much for your help!

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I think I may be able to help you out some! I also have a Meg you might be interested in. I'm thinking that Pinpics is down at the moment, but it's currently 3am PST so I guess if they are going to do maintenance this time of day makes sense, so I can't really check your pin pics. Feel free to PM and we will get back in touch! (I also think I have the Minnie Women though History pin you're after).
Oooh! Queen Minnie Elizabeth! Sending Pm! :3

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Cogsworth is my spirit animal! (Well, spirit... clock?) I don't have any that you're looking for, but can't wait to see how your new collection grows.

Ah, the dilemma of collection critical mass. I know it well. Why do you think I stalk the new release sites?

David Ogden Stiers is amazing. He was also Ratcliffe AND Wiggins in Pocahontas, as well as the Archdeacon in Hunchback and a Smithsonian scientist in Atlantis.
I knew he was Rattcliffe and Wiggins, but not Atlantis or Hunchback (though now I hear it). One of the reasons why Rattcliffe is one of my favorite Villains, and I have the sole Wiggins pin :3

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He also does the narration for the informational video that you watch in the line for Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Forbidden Eye at Disneyland.
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