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ZAPPED! I am truly blessed....

ZAPPED! I am truly blessed....


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New York
Over the holidays, a package pick-up slip showed up in my PO box notifying me of a box that was too big to fit in my box. I wasn't able to pick it up due to holiday closures and conflicting schedule for some time, and wasn't too worried assuming it was just a Xmas gift from a family member. I finally made contact with my PO workers a few days ago, and was surprised that it was a package from a DPFer. I typically wait until I'm sitting down at a desk to open my packages, but this one I decided to just rip into right there. My jaw dropped, when I opened the box to discover what was inside:



A very generous zap from our very own LEMEC ... I can't even put into words what a wonderful surprise this was, and how much I truly appreciate it.

In addition, about a month ago, I was finally able to complete a trade with another fantastic trader over in the UK. This is a trade that we had been working on for months and it was understandably quite a large trade, and I think included 14 pins going into my collection (quite a feat for me!). I think you can imagine my astonishment when I discovered an LBE literally stuffed full of pins, and not only included a list of pins that I was receiving through the trade, but also a list of a few pins that she was zapping me with. Oh wait... there was still another list showing even more pins she was zapping me with. All in all, I found all of these pins... which were in addition to the ones we had already agreed to trade:


Again, a huuuuuge thanks goes out to LEOPARDPOLKADOTSPOTS for such a sensational package.

Looking back on 2011, it was filled with so many unique and thrilling surprises created by so many people here at DPF. I can't tell you how many times that I've received phone calls, text messages, PMs and Emails from people not only in the nearby area, but in different states, across the continent, and even different countries helping me find pins that they know that I want (*ahem* need...). I can't express my gratitude enough to everyone that I have had a contact with over the last year, and I can't even begin to list all the "amazesome" people out there. There's so many of you and it would be impossible to list you all, most of you know who you are, and I can't thank the world enough for having the privilege of getting to know you. It's funny how this year, I told myself that I wasn't making a New Years resolution. Why would I? I love the people I know, and 2011 was a great year. If it aint broke, don't fix it. I guess looking back at all, it really makes sense as to why I didn't make that New Years resolution that people usually do. I am truly blessed.....

Thanks to everyone once again, and here's to a brilliant 2012!!
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congrats grim
lemec is incredibly nice and awesome!!!!!!!!

2011 was definitely fun
What a great surprise! Congrats!

As someone that is constantly stalking your wants list in hopes on repaying my first ever zap, ( both Gadget pins are on display :) ) you deserve it!
Lemec has done a LOT for me too and I know how wonderful and nice he is. Congrats on the great pins and here's to an incredible pin year in 2012.
There are people here who have really gone above and beyond for me....Not living near any of the parks anymore has made it very difficult to get certain pins, and without the generosity of people like Sean, Margaret and Grim, I'd never be able to fuel my addiction. This has been a great hobby, but the best, and unexpected part for me, has been the wonderful people I have met and that I call friends! Thanks guys!
There are people here who have really gone above and beyond for me....Not living near any of the parks anymore has made it very difficult to get certain pins, and without the generosity of people like Sean, Margaret and Grim, I'd never be able to fuel my addiction. This has been a great hobby, but the best, and unexpected part for me, has been the wonderful people I have met and that I call friends! Thanks guys!

You have me now as a WDW connection:hsd:!!!

Very nice pins! It always amazes me how generous and helpful this community is. That's what makes this so fun. What a great way to start the new year!
How awesome,,,i loved my pins before i found this forum...its my stress release and i really get that feeling (you know the one when you arrive at the park, and you feel like a kid and the smells and music) but now i love my pins even more because of the fun/ funny/ nice people here who exude the true Disney spirit---which is something very special in my opinion. thanks for welcoming me and trading with me!!! everyone!:fig::goofy:
The nicest things happen to the nicest people
and are done by the nicest people!!!

You deserve it Grimm!

Great job Lemec!!!