Im so excited! my son has his first Grail!!
My son is 5 years old, he enjoies sitting with me while I look at pins on Pinpics or here on the Forum, he points out pins he would love to have, one day I was buying a pin from a forum member who loved Haunted Mansion pins and had pics on his signature of many neat Mansion pins, including one of the Ghost horse driven hearse, the pin was from the Happy Haunts Ball from 2004, my son was so intreaged with it and kept telling me he would like to have it, I thought it was just a regular pin, nope, it had become his grail and I treked out in search of it! thats when I discovered the wants/trades ratio and knew I was in for a hunt. but to my surprise it didn't take as long as I thought and woohoo! I have it in my hands, and want to put it away till christmas but OMG I want to give it to him now! we are going to DL Monday, do I give it to him then? a special gift at Disneyland? what to do? I have a wonderful forum member trying to get me the carpet bag pin bag for him for christmas I was going to put it in. but I just can't wait to see him light up! OMG! im so silly