June 14, 2014 Nightmare Before Christmas Event at Disneyland Hotel - REPORT!!
Lol I feel that same way trying to get the ones I needLol I do, but sadly you already have the pins I have available :-(
Need Tiki, Duck, Haunted Mansion, Submarine, Alice, Thunder Mountain and Teacup!
Have 3 Matterhorns and 4 mayors to trade! Would love some help pleaseeeee =)
I got a box- got the Jack IASW pin!
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outstanding! what store did you find him in (no luck with Pin Traders Downtown!)?
I found the last boxes in the Nightmate before Christmas shop in New Orleans Swuare- you know, the one that shares a store with pieces of eight (The PoTC store)? They had about 12 left when I got there and they opened a whole new batch (I think a package of eight?) of boxes just for me- they were really friendly! I really recommend going there to take a look.
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